Unbox Your Art. She’s Screaming and Suffering in Silence

<p>Suppressing creativity is a sin. A criminal offense that&rsquo;ll have you incarcerated in the jail of frustration forever.</p> <p>How can you clip the wings of your art, lock her inside a dark box in your attic, and expect your creativity to thrive?</p> <p>Only maniacal oppressors act like that, and I suspect you to be one.</p> <p>If not, why is your art locked up like a criminal? Yet, you&rsquo;re screaming and cursing to the ends of the earth about lacking creativity.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-shortform/unbox-your-art-shes-screaming-and-suffering-in-silence-b38849053fb4"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>