More Hearts Make Light Life ♡ You Are Not Alone in Your Suffering

<p>The Amish say, &ldquo;More hands make light work.&rdquo; Together uplifting. I like to say, &ldquo;More hearts make light life.&rdquo; Together loving.</p> <p>There is&nbsp;<em>no honor</em>&nbsp;in putting on a brave face while you suffer alone. There is&nbsp;<em>no reward</em>&nbsp;for holding in your uncomfortable feelings, your pain, by yourself. There is&nbsp;<em>no trophy&nbsp;</em>for how much you can stuff your feelings inside.</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>There is no shame in feeling all the feelings we all experience.</strong></p> </blockquote> <p>Others who love you know you are in pain, and your pain will spill over. No matter how much you may try to hide it. This pain paints shades of grays over any life we share with them. And in the process, we have no way to help, when we don&rsquo;t know.</p> <p><strong>Please tell&nbsp;us.</strong></p> <p>Shame divides us. Makes us feel small, unworthy, undeserving of love or comfort, sometimes undeserving of life. It keeps us curled up in corners. When we need to be heart-open, arms open expressing our fears in the middle of the room. With vulnerability and compassion for yourself, and everyone who loves you and feels the pain you feel.</p> <p>Even if you neglect your pain, someone else may end up carrying it for you.</p> <p>You can choose love, or you can choose fear. This you can do. Sounds simple, because it is simple. Facing our fears can be very painful though. Believe me, I understand. Choose love for yourself, please.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>