Tag: Stuck

Why We Are Stuck With So Many Incompetent Programmers

I entered the software industry about 2 decades ago. I was an engineering graduate, but I didn’t have a computer degree. It was OK, not only because I knew the basics of software making (I was an Electronics engineer), but also because my country was witnessing an unprecedented boom in soft...

She’s Stuck in His House

Ifeel like I’m stuck in a Westworld host loop, trying desperately to change a pre-programmed outcome. For over two years now, my best friend and I have the same conversation. It’s not every time we speak (although there are ‘phases’ where this happens for days, or weeks befor...

From Stuck to Unstoppable: 5 Mindset Shifts That Changed My Life

We all face periods in life where we feel stuck in place like we’re spinning our wheels without gaining traction. Though these ruts can seem impossible to escape, adjusting your mindset is the key to breaking through them. By making subtle but profound shifts in how I viewed obstacles and m...

Britian is stuck: How can we get it moving again?

Our productivity per worker lags behind our peers, such as France, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and the US. The UK seems stuck in a perilous middle ground. We’re being outdone by the continental model; higher taxes funding excellent infrastructure that boost productivity, exemplified by F...

S&P 500: stuck in neutral.

In this post, I’ll focus on setups that I’m monitoring for both long and short positions. With a chart and short write-up, this is a quick way to scan and plan potential trades. Stock Market Update The latest report on consumer price inflation had something for bulls and bears...

The Unexpected Benefits of Waiting When You’re Stuck

Over the last over two years I have done a few gigantic updates in my customary presence. Additionally, by tremendous, I mean huge. In any case, I moved with my perfect partner and our children from a home I regarded for a seriously lengthy timespan. Soon, my ideal accomplice and I cut off a twen...

“Feeling Stuck Is Something Many of Us Have Experienced”

Shana, when looking at business books from the last years, there’s a trend in many books suggesting to their readers that they can and should find their dream job and achieve fulfillment if they only “Start with Why,” for example. There are hundreds of other “strategies&rdquo...

Are You Still Stuck in Email?

The massive shift to remote and hybrid work was seen as a revolution, but two years later, not much has really changed in how most people collaborate day-to-day. Despite having access to powerful tools like Microsoft 365, large swaths of the workforce are stuck in outdated habits, leading to ineffic...

Forever Stuck on Level 42

Since late last fall, I have been playing this cute little step-tracking game called Pikmin Bloom. It is very similar to its older cousin, Pokémon GO since both mobile games were developed by Niantic. Before I get started, I'm not going to explain how this game works, so if you're ...

Stuck in stone, as stuck on our phones

Yesterday, I visited the Modern Contemporary Museum in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, to see Banksy. What a surprise of all the other arts we encountered! You can find all the current exhibitions on the Moco website. One of the pieces of art that caught my attention was the New Race, 20...

Istanbul (not Constantinople)

A test I took at work last year identified me as a person with a craving for knowledge, someone who likes to collect and archive information. That thirst for knowledge took an unusual direction a few years ago. Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? I’ve had one playing in my head for ye...

Thousands of Homes Seem Stuck in SF’s ‘Pipeline,’ So Let’s Take a Deep Dive

How many homes is San Francisco actually building right now? This question is more important than ever; the city is deep in a housing crisis. Even with a few years of pandemic-related rent deflation, SF maintains one of the highest costs of living in the U.S., with housing as public enemy number ...

When Your Brain is Stuck, Try This Hack

As a neurodivergent person, I experience a lot of brain fog from ADHD, epilepsy, and a number of medications that I’m on. I couldn’t get past too many college classes because of poor grades since my memory isn’t what it used to be, and I have been doing increasingly less in my a...