Tag: Struggle

Developers Need To Enjoy The Struggle

Peyton Manning, at an early age, was seen as an NFL superstar quarterback in the making. Everyone knew he was going to make it in the NFL and be great. Tom Brady was never the first choice. He started at the bottom and fought his way up. Brady had to fight for college offers, whilst Manning had t...

Why We Struggle With The Efficiency Mindset

Our deepest beliefs are often girded by assumptions we rarely articulate. The mindset of efficiency is one of mine. The assumptions of this mindset are essentially: There are things we want. We can take actions to get the things we want. Some actions are more efficient than others &mdas...

A Tale Of Hope And Struggle

This is my real life story of struggle and hard work, how I have overcome from sadness. I accept it’s implied that everybody – sooner or later in their lives - goes through some type of battle. Be it enslavement, illness, losing an employment or a friend or family member, disappointment,...

Here’s Why Extroverts Might Struggle to Build Wealth

While it is true that what is considered a “good” financial decision will be different for each person, most personal finance writers fail to help their readers understand how to make financial decisions tailored to their unique circumstances. They duck the hard work by slapping on anoth...

Why I struggle to say the word ‘Equality’ these days

I have frequently contended that the word “equality” is, in essence, a mere illusion — a concept akin to a magician’s trick, devoid of a solid foundation for its defined construct. It is frequently paired with “egalitarianism,” envisioning a utopian society where ...

As SF Kids Struggle to Read, With Troubling Racial Gaps, a Literacy Overhaul Is Due by Year’s End

After the tumultuous recall of three Board of Education members in 2022, San Francisco public school officials pledged to sideline adult politics and focus on students — specifically outcomes in reading, math, and college readiness, all of which have shown distressing dispa...

Why We Love Baba Bulleh Shah As a Feminist? A Mystic’s Story of Class and Gender struggle.

“The first class oppression coincides with that of the female sex by the male,” (Friedrich Engels, Origin of the Family) Was it with a purpose to bring attention to the plight of women, or a concealed struggle for lifting the expressions in the indigenous languages? Why Baba Bulleh Sh...

Exodus from Prison: A Woman’s Struggle to Start Her Life

The “Broken Hearts” rally on Valentine’s Day, 2022, when in the freezing cold about 100 people holding dozens of 40-inch-wide pink and fuscia boards with the words “85% MOTHERS” and “DON’T LEAVE WOMEN BEHIND” protested in front of City Hall for better ...

America Must Relearn the Language of Struggle

Americans are living through a series of escalating crises. The planet is warming as geopolitical tensions grow. The global economy is teetering. Worse still, our ability to address these crises is held back by a deeply dysfunctional political system — one governed by an unelected conserv...

Maine’s and the Nation’s Struggle for Sanity

I’m publishing this series of articles to share and discuss my ruminations on coping with a troubled and messy world. You can “follow” me to never miss an article. In the aftermath of the Mass Shootings in Maine, the State faces intense scrutiny over its archaic Gun Laws[i]. For...

The Struggle for Palestinian Liberation is Antiracism Work

As antiracist health scholars, practitioners, and advocates, our fundamental mission is to dismantle structural racism and actively challenge social injustices that undermine population health. We follow in the praxis of our predecessors who identify that the remedy to inequities in health...

Why Police Struggle to See Black Boys as Innocent Children

Ina case of "mistaken identity," California police officers pulled over Shanice Stewart, a pregnant mother, who was taking her 8-year-old son, Brandon, to football practice on October 17th. After complying with their demand that she toss her keys out the window and walk toward them slowly ...

Healing My Struggles with Whiteness (As a White Guy)

I also recognize wholeheartedly the struggle of all the non-white folks who have found themselves encircled by a dominant culture that punishes them for expressing who they are. I am saying that growing up with that privilege has diminished my capability for empathy, healthy expression ...

Moral Injury: The Unseen Struggle of Healthcare Professionals

I volunteered as a candy striper. I went to a fine university and medical school. Pennies were pinched to make tuition payments. I gave up the trips to the beach and the family vacations. Along the way, I learned the classic methods of conducting a history and physical exam. I bought the fancy steth...

From One Addiction To Another: My Constant Struggle With Moderation

I take the trash out early. Sometimes before it’s full. An empty trash bag is better than seeing the evidence. I can’t let anyone see and I’ve not even admitted this dirty little secret to anyone close to me. Instead, I’m publishing it on the Internet. I’ve strugg...

Beyond Stature: On the Invisible Struggle of Short Men

In modern societies, discussions of discrimination often focus on race, gender, or sexual orientation. However, one form of bias is largely overlooked in these debates: height discrimination. Although short men are subject to a variety of inequalities, their plight goes largely unrecognized. W...

Top 3 Reasons Why Spanish Speakers Struggle With French Vowels

What’s the language of love? Depends on whom you ask. I’ve heard countless times that French is. It never fails to surprise me. For French speakers, the language of love is either Spanish or Italian. All Romance languages. They share the same mother language, Latin. But their...