From One Addiction To Another: My Constant Struggle With Moderation

<p>I take the trash out early. Sometimes before it&rsquo;s full. An empty trash bag is better than seeing the evidence. I can&rsquo;t let anyone see and I&rsquo;ve not even admitted this dirty little secret to anyone close to me.</p> <p><em>Instead, I&rsquo;m publishing it on the Internet.</em></p> <p>I&rsquo;ve struggled with disordered eating and body dysmorphia my whole life. My story is not unlike many women my age (38), who grew up in the &rsquo;90s with heroin-chic models and pants made for women without bellies.</p> <p>I remember being as young as preschool, noticing that I had a belly bigger than my peers. My mom told me I was beautiful, but who ever believes their mothers?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>