Tag: SQL

A Comprehensive Guide on Common Table Expression in SQL

In programming, it’s a common practice to group instructions or statements in smaller and more manageable code blocks. This practice is usually referred as code block organisation. It’s basically breaking down a program or a large section of a program into smaller and logically conn...

Mastering the Art of SQL Interviews: Unlocking the Solutions to Common and Complex Queries

This article presents a collection of intricate SQL interview questions suitable for any software developer interview. A solid grasp of SQL database concepts is an essential skill for every software engineer, carrying significant importance during interviews. In the majority of interview scenarios, ...


Problem Statement : In the competitive telecom industry, customers’ critical evaluation of services shapes their perception of the entire company. Routine disruptions evoke anxiety, underlining the significance of churn analysis. The churn rate reflects customer loss, impacting revenue. Ins...

10 SQL Best Practices

Writing clear, logical, easy-to-read, and high-performance ETL pipelines in SQL is an important part of a data scientist’s day-to-day job. Recently, after reviewing multiple SQL style guides (see references), I reflected on my practices and identified the following 10 SQL best practices, more ...

The Ultimate List of SQL Datasets for Data Scientists

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a foundational tool for data scientists, enabling them to interact with and analyze vast datasets efficiently. In this article, we’ve compiled the ultimate list of SQL datasets that every data scientist should know about. Whether you’re honing your SQL ...

Xata SQL over HTTP + ORM

These are definition of insanity. Xata are getting out of control, they does not stop release new features after released. Through hype-driven-development, “SQL over HTTP” is like a bullish trend. We’re working on multiple xata plug-in to give our best to communit...

Can an Old Programmer Learn New Tricks

I decided here at the beginning of 2023 to return to the software industry I had worked at for 25 years between 1985 and 2010. That’s a 13 year career gap. Is it practical to get back into the industry after such a long time and at age 58? Obstacles to Re-entering the Software Industry T...

These 5 SQL Techniques Cover ~80% of Real-Life Projects

Are you curious about SQL but hesitant to dive in? Or maybe you’re already familiar with the basics of SQL but struggle to apply it to real-life projects. I know the feeling. When I first started learning SQL, I was intimidated by the vast amount of information. And even today, I still c...

Instacart’s Item Availability Architecture: Solving for scale and consistency.

This blog post is the last segment in a three-part series that outlines our innovative approach to overcoming inventory challenges, delving into the application of product design, machine learning, and engineering technology. Here are Part-1 and Part-2 of the series if you want t...

Better than GPT-4 for SQL queries: NSQL

  Raise your hand if you have tried to use ChatGPT or any of the other LLMs to generate SQL queries. I have, and I currently am! but I am thrilled to share with you that a new family of open-source large foundation models (FMs) designed specifically for SQL generation tasks has been released...

Exploring the Most Useful SQL Operators, Functions, and Clauses

Hey, there! I’m Gabe, and I am passionate about teaching others about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Today, I want to dive into the world of SQL functions, those powerful tools that can make your data analysis tasks a breeze. Whether you’re a seasoned data analyst or...

Build Your Own SQL Analyst Bot

One of the challenges of using LLMs (Large Language Models) in a business context is getting the model to answer factually and accurately about your company’s data. One possible solution is Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) using a vector database to populate the prompt context (see my post...

A Simple Method For Building Family Trees And Org Charts With Big Data Using Snowflake SQL And Tableau

I needed a way to visually display the relationship between account records in my Salesforce CRM and highlight the features of those accounts. I have tens of millions of records and multiple ways that these records relate to each other, and don’t yet have a Master Data Management tool. (I real...

Dynamic SQL Stored Procedures for Data Engineers and Why They Are Important

Stored procedures are a powerful feature of SQL that allow you to encapsulate a set of SQL statements into a single named unit. This can make your code more reusable, maintainable, and performant. Dynamic SQL stored procedures take this a step further by allowing you to construct and execute SQL ...

5 Lessons Learned from Testing Databricks SQL Serverless + DBT

Databricks’ SQL warehouse products are a compelling offering for companies looking to streamline their production SQL queries and warehouses. However, as usage scales up, the cost and performance of these systems become crucial to analyze. In this blog we take a technical deep dive into the...

Database Change Management on Lakehouse with Databricks SQL and Liquibase

Change is hard. Change in software is even harder, so with any software project, engineers set up a process for change management using a series of tools such as Git, GitActions, AzureDevOps, Jenkins, CircleCI, Terraform, and many many more. However, missing from these toolsets is the core concept o...

Upserting Data from Databricks to Azure SQL DB

In this article it’s gonna be explained two different methods that can be used for upserting data from the Databricks lakehouse platform to Azure SQL DB. Code snippets can be found on my github: ssaenzf/databricksLearning: Repo with code from articles related with the Databricks lakehouse plat...

The hottest SQL tools you have no use for

When I first learned SQL, my mind was kinda blown. In my first job I worked in Investment Banking, doing tons and tons of analytics using nothing other than excel. When I realised you could do this using something like SQL, I was amazed, so amazed that for the last 4 years I’ve been working in...

How to Install Sql Server on Macos using Docker?

Greetings everyone, As you know, we cannot install Sql Server directly on Macos. So we are looking for other ways to install it. Docker provides a radical solution to this problem. In order to use Sql Server on Macos, there are 3 components that we need to download. These are; 1- Docker D...

Project: Analyzing Students’ Mental Health in SQL

Can attending a university in a foreign country impact one’s mental well-being? In 2018, a Japanese university with a diverse student body conducted a comprehensive survey. An ethically and regulatory approved study based on this research was published the subsequent year. The study’s...

Drawing From a Random Distribution in SQL

There are different methods for updating a reinforcement learning agent’s policy at each iteration. A few weeks ago we started experimenting with replacing our current method with a Bayesian inference step. Some of the data workloads within our agent are written in SQL that is executed on GCP&...