A Comprehensive Guide on Common Table Expression in SQL

<p>In programming, it&rsquo;s a common practice to group instructions or statements in smaller and more manageable code blocks. This practice is usually referred as&nbsp;<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_(programming)" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>code block organisation</em></a>. It&rsquo;s basically breaking down a program or a large section of a program into smaller and logically connected blocks. These blocks are designed to perform a specific task or just to group related functionalities. This approach not only improves code readability but also makes the code more organised and maintainable. Various programming constructs such as functions, methods, try-catch blocks, loops, and conditional statements are commonly used for this purpose.</p> <p>In&nbsp;<em>SQL</em>, one of the ways to achieve the same is by using&nbsp;<em>Common Table Expression (CTE)</em>. In this article, we&rsquo;ll explore how&nbsp;<em>CTEs</em>&nbsp;can significantly simplify and optimise complex SQL queries.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/a-comprehensive-guide-on-common-table-expression-in-sql-8c892ffda2f5">Click Here</a></p>