A Simple Method For Building Family Trees And Org Charts With Big Data Using Snowflake SQL And Tableau

<p>I needed a way to visually display the relationship between account records in my Salesforce CRM and highlight the features of those accounts. I have tens of millions of records and multiple ways that these records relate to each other, and don&rsquo;t yet have a Master Data Management tool. (I realize that tens of millions of records may not be considered &ldquo;big data&rdquo; in your world, but for the purposes of this discussion let&rsquo;s assume I just mean that it&rsquo;s for data sets that are too large to work with in a spreadsheet).</p> <h1>Limitations of Existing Methods</h1> <p>I assumed someone out there had already solved this problem, so I scoured the internet for solutions and I&rsquo;ve cited those sources below. Unfortunately, nothing I found worked exactly as I needed it to for the size of data that I was working with, or for the time and patience I had available to do this work.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@amandac1577/a-simple-method-for-building-family-trees-and-org-charts-with-big-data-using-snowflake-sql-and-7b0b1c8f8c37"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: SQL Tableau