SOLID Principles for Spark Applications

Spark is a framework for processing large volumes of data distributed across multiple machines at the same time. It is originally written in Scala, a programming language that supports object-oriented programming (OOP) and functional programming (FP). Spark mainly deals with immutable data types ...

React JS — Mastering React JS SOLID Principles

What are SOLID principles? SOLID principles are five design principles that help us keep our application reusable, maintainable, scalable, and loosely coupled. The SOLID principles are: [S] — Single-responsibility principle [O] — Open-Closed principle [L] &mdash...

Mastering React JS SOLID Principles

What are SOLID principles? SOLID principles are five design principles that help us keep our application reusable, maintainable, scalable, and loosely coupled. The SOLID principles are: [S] — Single-responsibility principle [O] — Open-Closed principle [L] &mdash...

The SOLID Principles Writing Scalable & Maintainable Code

Has anyone ever told you that you write “bad code”? Well if you have, there’s really nothing to be ashamed about. We all write flawed code as we learn. The good news is, it’s fairly straightforward to make improvements- but only if you’re willing. One of the ...

Kotlin SOLID Principles

Many Kotlin developers do not have full knowledge of SOLID principles, and even if they know, they are not aware of why it is used. Are you ready to learn all the details? Introduction Hello Dear Kotlin lovers! Welcome to my new article. Today I am going to talk about SOLID principles in Kotli...

Open Closed Principle: O in SOLID — Practical with Swift

Open-closed Principle (OCP) is one of principle inside SOLID. OCP states that objects or entities should be open for extension but closed for modification. This means that when there is a new requirement in a system, we should not modify the existing code, but rather extend it. Thi...

From Crystal Balls to Roadmaps: Navigating Business Success with a Senior BA’s Guide to Strategic…

Welcome, fellow navigators of the business cosmos, to a tale of strategy, vision, and perhaps a touch of magic. As a Senior Business Analyst at SDG Corporation, I’ve had the privilege of peering into the future (minus the crystal ball) and crafting roadmaps that lead us to prosperity. Join me ...

SOLID Principles for Spark Applications

This blog post explores whether PySpark can incorporate SOLID principles for data engineering tasks. Here’s a series on SOLID principles with Python for data engineering tasks I’ve been working on: SOLID principles in data engineering — Part 1 SOLID principles in data en...

SOLID principles in data engineering

SOLID principles are a set of principles that guide the software engineering process aiming to make code easier to read, test and maintain. This is a concept coming from Object Oriented Programming that was made popular by Robert Martin (commonly referred to as Uncle Bob by the software...

The SOLID Principles

SOLID principles are the 5 main pillars upon which modern software engineering stands tall. They serve as a beacon of guidance for developers seeking to create code that’s more than just functional as well as truly exceptional. Each alphabet of SOLID represent one principle each which can help...

Master SOLID Principles in iOS

The SOLID principles are important because they can help developers write better code. Code that written in accordance with the SOLID principles is more maintainable, flexible, and reusable. 1- Maintainability: Maintainable code is code that is easy to understand and modify. Code that violates th...

SOLID Principles in Flutter: Crafting Robust Apps

If you’re here, you’re likely on a quest to elevate your Flutter development skills. Today, we’ll venture into a topic that, while not exclusive to Flutter, can revolutionise how you structure your apps: the SOLID principles. Let’s unwrap this treasure chest of best practi...

Solid State — Chemistry Short Notes

Crystal Lattices and Unit Cells:  Crystal lattice: A 3D network of points representing the positions of atoms/molecules.  Unit cell: The smallest repeating unit of a crystal lattice.  Bravais lattices: 14 fundamental types of unit cells based on symmetry. &n...

Title: Solid Dosage Forms: Pillars of Pharmaceutical Delivery

Solid dosage forms are the bedrock of pharmaceutical delivery, offering a reliable and convenient means of administering medications. This article explores the various types of solid dosage forms, their formulation principles, and their significance in the pharmaceutical landscape. Types of Solid...