The SOLID Principles
<p>SOLID principles are the 5 main pillars upon which modern software engineering stands tall. They serve as a beacon of guidance for developers seeking to create code that’s more than just functional as well as truly exceptional. Each alphabet of SOLID represent one principle each which can help us in developing highly efficient, scalable and loosely coupled systems.</p>
<p><strong>S </strong>— <strong>Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). </strong>This principle tells us to design a class such that it does only one thing, fostering clarity and simplicity.</p>
<p><strong>O </strong>— <strong>Open-Closed Principle (OCP). </strong>The principle encourages us to extend our capabilities from the already existing set of classes and not modifying them for every new requirement, thus ensuring that our software evolves gracefully.</p>
<p><strong>L — Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP). </strong>This principle talks about the parent-child class relationship. It says “<em>Derived types must be completely substitutable for their base types”. (Don’t worry if you’re still confused, we’ll dicuss this in detail later)</em></p>
<p><strong>I — Interface Segregation Principle (ISP).</strong> This principle pushes us to craft small, client-focused interfaces, reducing the burden of unnecessary dependencies.</p>
<p><strong>D — Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP).</strong> The principles encourages high-level modules to depend on abstraction rather than concrete classes.</p>
<p>By adhering to SOLID principles, developers empower themselves to create software systems that are agile, adaptable, and resilient in the face of change.</p>
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