Master SOLID Principles in iOS

<p>The SOLID principles are important because they can help developers write better code. Code that written in accordance with the SOLID principles is more maintainable, flexible, and reusable.</p> <p>1- Maintainability: Maintainable code is code that is easy to understand and modify. Code that violates the SOLID principles can be difficult to understand and modify, because it can be difficult to identify the reason for a change.</p> <p>2- Flexibility: Flexible code is code that can be easily adapted to new requirements. Code that violates the SOLID principles can be inflexible, because a change to one part of the code can require changes to other parts of the code.</p> <p>3- Reusability: Reusable code is code that can be used in multiple different places. Code that violates the SOLID principles can be difficult to reuse, because it may be too tightly coupled to other parts of the code.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Master SOLID