SOLID principles in data engineering

<p>SOLID principles are a set of principles that guide the software engineering process aiming to make code easier to read, test and maintain.</p> <p>This is a concept coming from&nbsp;<strong>Object Oriented Programming</strong>&nbsp;that was made popular by Robert Martin (commonly referred to as Uncle Bob by the software engineering community).</p> <h1>What SOLID stands for</h1> <p>The term SOLID is an acronym that stands for:</p> <ul> <li>Single responsibility principle (SRP)</li> <li>Open/close principle (OCP)</li> <li>Liskov substitution principle (LSP)</li> <li>Interface segregation principle (ISP)</li> <li>Dependency inversion principle (DIP)</li> </ul> <h1>1. Single responsibility principle (SRP)</h1> <p>The single responsibility principle (SIP) states a class must only change for one reason. In literal terms, it means every module must only have one responsibility. Because each module can only have one responsibility, the code becomes more readable and testable.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>