Tag: Smooth

Applying Smooth Movement

Now that we’ve covered Action Maps and how to assign keys for specific functions, let’s apply movement to our player. I will create a new Input Action by going to the Project Panel and selecting Create > Input Actions. Create a new Action Map and name it Player, then create a ne...

Smooth As

We missed the kiss of passion, It didn’t quite connect, Leaning at an angle, I nearly kinked my neck. Walking up steep Percival Street, Puffing as I went, After the rehearsal, Feeling slightly bent. Cockies on the corner, In the cool night air, Printed on the pavement, Percival&...

Essential Steps After Installing Windows 11 for a Smooth Experience

Switching to a new operating system like Windows 11 can be both exciting and a bit overwhelming. After all, there’s more to it than just the installation. To make sure you’re getting the most out of Windows 11, there are a few important things you should do after Windows 11 upgrade....

Prague’s Smooth Journey

Travel thirty minutes, on public transport, for just 79 pence. You can use whatever transport system you like, be it metro, tram or bus, your 79 pence ticket will get you anywhere you need to be in a heartbeat. Sounds like an insane deal, right? In Birmingham, a train ticket to the city centre costs...

Smooth Traffic Flow Unveiled: Vancouver’s Premier Traffic Control Company

1. Introduction to Glen Traffic: Glen Traffic stands as the epitome of excellence in traffic control in Vancouver. With a reputation built on reliability, innovation, and unwavering commitment, Glen Traffic has emerged as the go-to solution for businesses, municipalities, and event organizers see...

Ride the Wave, Not the Outcome: The Smooth Guide to Non-Attachment

Hey fam, let’s get into something real for a minute. You know how we’re always chasing after something, whether it’s that promotion, the latest kicks, or just trying to keep our social media popping? It’s like we’re on this never-ending treadmill, hustling hard, but som...

From Design to Development: A Guide to Smooth Handoff

Design handoff marks a pivotal juncture in the development process, signifying the moment when a finished design is transferred to the development team for implementation, breathing life into the design through its translation into code. Handoff is not the first time developers see the designs; t...

The Violence of Smooth Spaces

One way to view culture, and one that I subscribe to and believe to be put forth by Deleuze and Guattri, is as the amalgamation of a series of responses to a series of problems. It is a localized and historical process; problems arise and responses are engendered. These responses inform future respo...