Applying Smooth Movement

<p>Now that we&rsquo;ve covered Action Maps and how to assign keys for specific functions, let&rsquo;s apply movement to our player.</p> <p>I will create a new Input Action by going to the Project Panel and selecting Create &gt; Input Actions.</p> <p>Create a new Action Map and name it Player, then create a new Action and name it Movement.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*buAs3p6OG20I0u8AwMPdkA.png" style="height:135px; width:547px" /></p> <p>Under the Action Properties, set the Action Type to Value and the Control type to Vector 2.</p> <p>The next step will be to add a Binding to the Action and now that we&rsquo;ve set the Action Properties to Vector 2, we should now have the option to select the directional Composite.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*vo5GQqKNUvLEyAUixhxxqA.png" style="height:154px; width:700px" /></p> <p>This will define the Movement and will allow us to set our inputs to up, down, left, and right, and we can assign those to the classic WSAD keys.</p> <p>With the Binding selected, the Binding Properties now become available in the next window. Since we created and Binding Composite Type set to be a 2D Vector, the Composite is automatically set to have the 2D Vector Composite Type.</p> <p>Below the Composite Type, we have the Mode. The Mode has three different options for us to select from. I have Digital Normalized selected meaning that since it is Normalized, the movement in all directions will be the same distance no matter which direction you are applying.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>