Prague’s Smooth Journey

<p>Travel thirty minutes, on public transport, for just 79 pence. You can use whatever transport system you like, be it metro, tram or bus, your 79 pence ticket will get you anywhere you need to be in a heartbeat. Sounds like an insane deal, right? In Birmingham, a train ticket to the city centre costs me &pound;4.10 &mdash; for 10 minutes, or a broken down train. To be honest, I feel robbed.</p> <p>In June 2019, I stood in the beating heart of the Czech Republic. Prague. The sun was basking, tanning pale skin to sun kissed within mere moments of stepping off the airplane. The air was so thick you could choke, but somehow, it just felt tropical.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>