Tag: Sell

Why Did The PlayStation 2 Sell So Well?

Holiday 2000, millions lined up at their local retailer to pick up the latest console from Sony. Sony’s first PlayStation was a hit, and the people waiting in line couldn’t wait to get their hands on the sequel. The customers heard Sony had created a machine that was leagues apart f...

Buy and Sell homemade food in Berlin with this app in 2021 (Brief Story)

HomeMealDeal is a marketplace that connects kitchenpreneurs selling homemade food with people searching for high-quality & authentic meals at an affordable price in Berlin. Berlin is an international city with ex-pats from over 190+ countries. It is possible to find a fancy restaurant at the ...

How to Write Copy to Sell Stuff

Copywriter John Caples wrote this sales letter in 1926 to promote a correspondence course offered by the Sherwin Cody School of English. It is hailed as one of the most successful direct-response advertisements of all time. I spent 2 hours dissecting each line, to see what it can teach you about ...

Beyoncé Will Sell Millions of Copies of An Album People Don’t Want

Beyoncé is undoubtedly one of the most talented artists of our time and, to me, the most talented artist. However, I’m going to try to tuck my fandom in for this. A few minutes after Usher’s halftime performance and directly after the Verizon commercial she ...