Beyoncé Will Sell Millions of Copies of An Album People Don’t Want

<p>Beyonc&eacute; is undoubtedly one of the most talented artists of our time and, to me,&nbsp;<em>the</em>&nbsp;most talented artist. However, I&rsquo;m going to&nbsp;<strong>try</strong>&nbsp;to tuck my fandom in for this.</p> <p>A few minutes after Usher&rsquo;s halftime performance and directly after the Verizon commercial she starred in, Beyonc&eacute; posted a trailer of sorts to her Instagram featuring a snippet of a new Country song called &ldquo;Texas Hold&rsquo;em.&rdquo; At the end of the trailer were the words &ldquo;act ii 3.29.&rdquo; Because her 2022 album &ldquo;Renaissance&rdquo; was referred to as act i and it was a house/dance music album from top to bottom, it is a pretty fair assessment to assume this album is going to be Country from top to bottom.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sell Millions