Buy and Sell homemade food in Berlin with this app in 2021 (Brief Story)

<p>HomeMealDeal is a marketplace that connects kitchenpreneurs selling homemade food with people searching for high-quality &amp; authentic meals at an affordable price in Berlin.</p> <p>Berlin is an international city with ex-pats from over 190+ countries. It is possible to find a fancy restaurant at the next corner but it doesn&#39;t satisfy the hunger of homemade food. Most of the times, it is not even possible to get your favourite dish which your mom used to make.</p> <blockquote> <p>How would you feel if someone cooks your childhood dish for you in Berlin?</p> </blockquote> <p>HomeMealDeal identified this demand during covid-19 lockdowns. The team saw that there is a huge demand for authentic food in the ex-pat community and people are not happy with the restaurant food as it alters the taste. Also, the food is cooked by a chef who is cooking other cuisines too.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sell homemade