Tag: scrolling

Get ready for depth scrolling

While new products, apps and experiences resulting from VisionPro are almost boundless, I’m just as excited about how it will affect the work we’re already doing. Specifically, how we design websites going forward and the layering of our UI elements with Z-index or similar HTML...

My response to white people who say, “If you don’t like it here, then leave”

Today I have love in my heart. So much love. So very, very much love. As in, I just love when I’m arguing with someone and they say, “If you don’t like this country, you should leave!” It happens all the time. There you are, scrolling down your timeline, and a white fri...

How to Stop Scrolling Forever

Do you ever get stuck scrolling on your phone, and before you know it, a bunch of time has disappeared? No worries, I’m here to help you take back control and stop that endless scrolling. Let’s dive into some easy tips to make sure your phone time doesn’t run away from you. 1. D...

How To Overcome Phone-Scrolling Addiction

Every major social media application, such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, is designed to foster addiction. You can easily test this by checking your app usage in the settings menu of your Android or iOS device. Simply add up the total usage time for each social app. What’s the result? In ...

Scrolling to Depression? How Social Media is Secretly Ruining Your Mental Health!

Like most people, I found myself drawn to the social media world early on. I enjoyed connecting with friends, discovering new communities, and staying informed about current events. However, over time, I began to notice a shift within myself. The innocent scrolling sessions morphed into a habitual n...