Tag: Scratch

How to Build Your Own Health and Fitness App from Scratch

Healthcare and fitness are the trending industries these days. If you are in the business of healthcare and fitness-related products and services, you must develop an app. These apps can be a great way to interact with your patients. According to Statista, health and fitness apps’ user pene...

MetaGPT Lets You Create Your Own Virtual Software Company from Scratch

MetaGPT, available on Github (crossed 13,000 stars), aims to change the way we make software. This exciting tool can take a single line of what you want to do and turn it into many things like user stories, an analysis of the competition, requirements, data structures, APIs, and documents. What&r...

Building a vertical SeekBar from Scratch in Java for Android: Ultimate Guide.

SeekBars are a powerful tool in Android app development for allowing users to adjust values along a horizontal bar. However, there are times when a vertical orientation is more appropriate for the design or functionality of an app. This is where a custom vertical SeekBar comes in handy. In this t...

Exploring Flash Loan Vulnerabilities: Crafting Unique Exploits from Scratch

In this article, our focus shifts to comprehending a flash loan attack through the process of independently re-crafting its Proof of Concept (PoC) test case, employing the Foundry project [1]. We strongly advise perusing the preceding article before delving into the technical intricacies outlined he...

Learn Next.js By Building Your First Next.js App From Scratch

While this post will help you build a Next.js app from scratch, you should have some knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and related web development concepts before jumping into it. Second part Build A Weather App On Next.js Workshop Workshop If you’d like to join a fr...

Demystifying JSX: building your own JSX parser from scratch

While it’s not a web standard and Web Components are somewhat trying to replace it, JSX is an amazing technology that came with React to simplify the way we write HTML and JavaScript together. But how does it work exactly? I mean, yes, we can return JSX from a React component, but we all kn...

The Ultimate Guide to Training BERT from Scratch: Introduction

A few weeks ago, I trained and deployed my very own question-answering system using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). The goal was to introduce such a system over my study notes and create an agent to help me connect the dots. LangChain truly shines in these specific types of applications: ...

Dynamic Pricing with Reinforcement Learning from Scratch: Q-Learning

1. Introduction In this post, we introduce the core concepts of Reinforcement Learning and dive into Q-Learning, an approach that empowers intelligent agents to learn optimal policies by making informed decisions based on rewards and experiences. We also share a practical Python example built ...

Operator Learning via Physics-Informed DeepONet: Let’s Implement It From Scratch

Ordinary and partial differential equations (ODEs/PDEs) are the backbone of many disciplines in science and engineering, from physics and biology to economics and climate science. They are fundamental tools used to describe physical systems and processes, capturing the continuous change of quantitie...

Build your own Transformer from scratch using Pytorch

In this tutorial, we will build a basic Transformer model from scratch using PyTorch. The Transformer model, introduced by Vaswani et al. in the paper “Attention is All You Need,” is a deep learning architecture designed for sequence-to-sequence tasks, such as machine translation and tex...

What I’ve Learned About Making Things in 5+ Years of Building From Scratch

A decade ago, I started my programming journey. In the past years, I’ve developed several projects from scratch, and recently I launched my own company in the field of artificial intelligence. Chances are, you’ve come across posts like this before. I have. Often, the information prese...

Ray Tracing From Scratch in Python

In this post I will give you a glimpse of what computer graphics algorithms may look like. I will explain the ray tracing algorithm and show a simple implementation in Python. By the end of this article you’ll be able to make a program that will generate the above image, without m...

Ray Tracing From Scratch in Python

In this post I will give you a glimpse of what computer graphics algorithms may look like. I will explain the ray tracing algorithm and show a simple implementation in Python. By the end of this article you’ll be able to make a program that will generate the above image, without m...

Creating a SDK from scratch

Our Javascript SDK is one of the latest projects to be released and open sourced by Bynder. The acronym SDK stands for Software Development Kit, which is a quite vague description, so this project in concrete resulted in a Javascript library, obtainable through NPM, that provides a simple and e...

My Journey of Self-Studying French from Scratch (A 2-Year Report)

Can we learn a foreign language entirely on our own ? Lately, I’ve been receiving some direct messages, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to share my experience and process of learning French. I started learning French in April 2021 during the COVID period, without any prior...