Demystifying JSX: building your own JSX parser from scratch

<p>While it&rsquo;s not a web standard and Web Components are somewhat trying to replace it, JSX is an amazing technology that came with React to simplify the way we write HTML and JavaScript together.</p> <p>But how does it work exactly? I mean, yes, we can return JSX from a React component, but we all know that&rsquo;s not standard JavaScript, so how does it exactly work? What kind of wizardry is behind it?</p> <p>I personally love when technology &ldquo;just works&rdquo;, but if my job depends on it, I try to understand it as much as I can. And one way of doing it, is trying to reverse engineer how it works and write your own version of it.</p> <p>You get to learn a lot through that process!</p> <p>So in this article, I&rsquo;m going to show you how you can write your own version of a JSX parser that can turn a JSX &ldquo;component&rdquo; into a JavaScript one that actually returns valid HTML.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>