Tag: Scientist

8 Reasons Why I didn’t Give Up on My Dream to be a Data Scientist & Why Neither Should You

I’ve been working as a Data Scientist at Spotify for 2 years now, and I can say that changing careers from business to data science sits very high on the list of best decisions I’ve ever made. Data science can be an amazingly rewarding career choice. Getting there is another story. ...

Scientist Develops Technology To Make Space Telescopes 866% More Sensitive Than JWST

We are living in an era of unprecedented scientific discovery powered by mega space telescopes. Hubble, Kepler and JWST have enabled astronomers to peer deeper into the cosmos than ever before and have helped us gleam astonishing levels of detail from some of the universe’s most mysterious obj...

Scientist Behind Failed Lunar Mission Is Hospitalized After Calling For Investigation

Mikhail Marov, 90, a key consultant to the failed luna-25 mission, has been rushed to hospital following the spacecraft’s crash into the surface of the Moon. Marov’s health condition arose after he called for an investigation into the expedition’s failure. It is not known whethe...

How a high-level Google data scientist found success (and a fulfilling creative outlet) on Medium

  Cassie Kozyrkov  is the Chief Decision Scientist at Google. So what does that mean she does all day? “Everyone asks me that!” she says. “The truth is, what I do day-to-day varies a lot, and you’ll be disappointed to know what the one constant is. The t...

What Exactly Does a Data Scientist Do?

Data Scientists have been called many things: “A Data Scientist is a statistician who lives in San Francisco” “Professional modellers, but not like that” “I get paid to Google Stack Overflow” “I sell magic to executives” Or, ...

Understanding Entropy made me a better data scientist

I remember several years ago when I was reshaping my career from finance into data science and being fascinated about how the book Data Science for Business (Provost & Fawcett) introduced the concept of Entropy in their classification examples, so elegantly, so powerful yet s...

How a high-level Google data scientist found success (and a fulfilling creative outlet) on Medium

The truth is, what I do day-to-day varies a lot, and you’ll be disappointed to know what the one constant is. The true misfortune of human adult existence is no matter what your job is, most of it is email. And meetings. That’s what one does all day: email and meetings. But if you’...

Three Simple Things About Regression That Every Data Scientist Should Know

I consider myself more of a mathematician than a data scientist. I can’t bring myself to execute methods blindly, with no understanding of what’s going on under the hood. I have to get deep into the math to trust the results. That’s a good thing because it’s very easy nowaday...

World Class Data Scientist Says This Cycle Is Your Last Chance To Make Generational Wealth From Crypto (While It’s New and Inefficient)

He’s a data scientist who started developing games and websites at the age of nine, thanks to the support from his mathematician mom. Like many of us, his most significant lesson in how the market worked was FOMO’ing (Fear of Missing Out) at the top of a bull run and then getting wipe...

Archetypes of the Data Scientist Role

After the positive responses to my recent post in Towards Data Science about Machine Learning Engineers, I thought I would write a bit about what I think are the real categories of roles for data science practitioners in the job market. While I was previously talking about the candidates, e.g. ...

The Ultimate Data Scientist Roadmap: From Beginner to Mastery

Embarking on a journey to become a data scientist can be both exciting and overwhelming, given the vast array of skills and knowledge required to excel in this field. Whether you’re a complete beginner or someone with experience looking to expand your skillset, this comprehensive data scien...

How To Use ChatGPT: Data Analyst & Data Scientist Use Cases

While it’s clear these chat-based Large Language Model (LLM) tools are popular, it might not be as obvious how you can apply them in your workflow as an Analytics pro. That’s what we’ll be talking about today. Why Data Pros Need To Learn To Use AI Tools The world is changing,...

Seaborn charts that every Data Scientist Knows!

The SepalLengthCm and SepalWidthCm are the length and width of the sepals of an Iris flower, calculated in centimeters. Similarly, PetallLengthCm and PetallWidthCm are the length and width of the petals of the Iris flower, measured in centimeters. Species indicate the species of the flower. There ar...

10 Useful Python Libraries Every Data Scientist Should Be Using

Python has become an essential tool for data scientists across the world. To help you boost your efficiency doing data science, we’ve put together a list of the 10 most useful Python libraries for data scientists. From speeding up your workflow with distributed computing to helping you p...

My Data Scientist Internship Journey at CodersCave

My journey as a Data Scientist intern at CodersCave was a transformative experience that deepened my knowledge, honed my skills, and ignited my passion for the world of data science. Over the course of my internship, I had the privilege of working on four diverse and challenging projects that broade...

How to be a 10X Data Scientist

For over 6+ years, I have worked with too many people in my Data Science career. %99 of them is an average, however %1 of them were making a difference. In this article, I will share you my experience about those people, and give you the tips that I observed , which might be helping to ...

Ask Lewis: Tips For The Mystic Scientist

All of these concepts deal with the unexpected implications of small, seemingly inconsequential events that have major impacts on our material, emotional, and spiritual lives. Being an independent thinker with a passion for ideas I was inspired to synthesize my practical philosophy while creating th...

What do a Black scientist, nonprofit executive, and filmmaker have in common? They all face racism in the ‘gray areas’ of workplace culture

Take “Constance,” for example — not her real name — who is a Black female chemical engineering professor at a major research university. Her university proclaims its commitment to diversity and inclusion, with several offices and initiatives dedicated to this goal. Yet she...

A Kundalini Awakening for an Atheist Scientist?

I am a scientist through and through but for the past 10 months or so my “faith” in science has encountered an additional challenge. In some of my other articles here on Medium, I investigate and write about the problems plaguing our modern mathematics and physics but this challenge has ...

Become a Citizen Scientist

When you don’t have the time or resources, becoming a scientist can feel like a far-away dream. However, that doesn’t have to be the case anymore. Organizations such as NASA, National Geographic, and the U.S. Geological Survey, and the National Ocean Service all offer citizen science opp...

Regret Can Be All-Consuming — a Neurobehavioral Scientist Explains How People Can Overcome It

A friend of mine — we will call him “Jay” — was working for IBM in New York City in the early ’90s. He was a computer programmer and made a good salary. Occasionally, competitors and startups approached Jay to join their companies. He had an offer from an interesting...

How Writing Online Made Me a Better Scientis

Hey! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Karol, a 3rd year Immunology student documenting his journey. As someone in STEM, I tend to make fun of people who study humanities subjects, after all, we are just so much smarter than them… There is one thing that humanitie...