Seaborn charts that every Data Scientist Knows!

<p>The SepalLengthCm and SepalWidthCm are the length and width of the sepals of an Iris flower, calculated in centimeters. Similarly, PetallLengthCm and PetallWidthCm are the length and width of the petals of the Iris flower, measured in centimeters. Species indicate the species of the flower. There are three types of Iris species: Iris setosa, Iris virginica, and Iris versicolor.</p> <h1>Lineplot</h1> <p>In this plot, the relationship between two variables (x and y) is shown by plotting them on a 2D graph and connecting them. It shows how a variable changes over time.</p> <p>There are several uses for line plots, including studying dynamic variables (that change over time), finding patterns, and tracking trends. We can generate a line plot using the lineplot function.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>