Tag: scale

SwiftUI apps at scale

SwiftUI is fantastic, but not perfect. Some of these imperfections are expected from a nascent 4-year-old framework, but just one creates the roadblock to wider adoption. Today, I’m going to tell the story of my SwiftUI journey at 3 startups; and explain my solution to the critical fl...

Towards Defensible Infinite Scale

Traditional scaling methods that have long driven business growth face limitations related to regulatory hurdles, capital concentration, control, and network effects. As privacy concerns and demands for fair value distribution increase, an alternative landscape is emerging that reverts back to proto...

Instacart’s Item Availability Architecture: Solving for scale and consistency.

This blog post is the last segment in a three-part series that outlines our innovative approach to overcoming inventory challenges, delving into the application of product design, machine learning, and engineering technology. Here are Part-1 and Part-2 of the series if you want t...

Why We Need to Build Human-Scale Organizations

Bigger, bigger, bigger. Better, right? We’ve lionized big, mega, huge-scale — businesses, institutions, organizations — over medium, small, and tiny. So much so, that for example, American legal and economic thought tends to favour the hugest monopolies, the playing field tilted wa...

Why We Need to Build Human-Scale Organizations

Bigger, bigger, bigger. Better, right? We’ve lionized big, mega, huge-scale — businesses, institutions, organizations — over medium, small, and tiny. So much so, that for example, American legal and economic thought tends to favour the hugest monopolies, the playing field tilted wa...

How to craft good Objectives and Key Results in OKR and Run OKR on a Big Scale

In a large organization, it is often difficult to create and use proper objectives and key results. Of course, you can quickly formulate objective and key results for a cycle, a year, or even longer, but to create objective and key results which allow easy execution and measurement of progress is an...

Managing Databricks At A Wide Scale

Introduction I somehow managed to convince our data platform team that I need a higher level of access so I can see everyone’s cluster and job configurations. My OCD regarding FinOps was quickly confirmed after starting to peruse our inventory. While we do have various guardrails in place, ...

Designing terraform at scale with Brainboard

In today’s rapidly evolving cloud landscape, managing infrastructure can become complex, especially when dealing with multi-cloud environments. Brainboard, a cutting-edge tool, offers a solution to this challenge, particularly for those using Terraform. This article, produced from ou...

Behavioural Change on a global scale

Much of my career has been devoted to helping clients bring about organizational change. Sometimes that change is imposed (for example, a merger of two firms, or changes in market conditions). At other times, the change comes from within, driven by identified opportunities to collaborate more effect...

Caribbean Parrots Are Remnants Of A Millennial Scale Extinction

Before we do a deeper dive into this study, I think it is important to show you a map of the region because, if you are like me, you’re gonna get confused by all the geographic chaos. Several islands that you should make a mental note of on this map are Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico. Al...

Entropy-Scale Interaction: The Birth of the Expression

Yes, the proposed title neatly captures the essence of the entropy duality framework bridging general relativity and quantum mechanics in alignment with Eastern philosophies: “Unification of General Relativity & Quantum Mechanics: Bi-directional entropy conjecture that reflects Buddhist...

Opinion| Are the 2024 Elections as Important as 1994?

Considering the national scale of the elections, the stakes of executive power involved and the 30th anniversary of the first democratic elections, the 2024 general elections are geared to be monumental to South Africa’s democracy. With public confidence on the decline for both coalition gover...

The Why and the How: Sliding Scale pricing 5 ways

Poly Pages is an online platform and podcast. They recently began running events for their community, and they had to decide how to make those events accessible to everyone. “Polyamorous spaces — including conferences and meet-ups — are often really white, middle-class, and...

How To Use An Engineer’s Scale

The first thing to notice is that the scale has six marked edges. If you’re in the US, they will typically be multiples based upon an inch. As you rotate the scale, you will see edges marked from 10 to 60 units per inch. That is to say, there is a side each for 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:40, ...

The Kardashev Scale

The Kardashev scale ranks the technological capabilities of a civilization based on its ability to manipulate and exploit energy. It was developed by Russian astronomer Nikolai Semenovich Kardashev in 1964 as a way to measure a civilization’s technological advancement based on its usable energ...

The Epic Scale of Spacetime

The Earth is some kind of rare in the Milky Way galaxy. No matter how scientists slice it, our planet is special. And this isn’t the anthropocentrist in me making a statement. The Earth settled into just the right orbit and had just the right combination of elements, and just happened to avoid...

The Future of the Bioeconomy Episode 2: Power in Scale

Biology is more complex and diverse than commonly thought, requiring many different technologies and techniques for various applications. For example, the components necessary for stem cell therapeutics to cure cancer differ from those employed in regenerative agriculture centered around i...

Can nature still make more coal? hmm… at a grand scale? Maybe yes.

Here’s something interesting for you. All the coal in the world was made at the same time, not before that brief period; nor after till date, and I don’t think it will be after in the future only if we don’t think. The process of coal formation started abruptly at 360 million ...

Industrial-Scale Stem Cells Are Here

The hopes and dreams of regenerative medicine and the use of stem cells to treat or cure diseases have been a beacon of promise for 25 years. But after a roller coaster ride of scientific breakthroughs, clinical setbacks, policy wrangles, and an explosion of suspiciously charlatan clinics pushing un...

Space and time may be two dimensional at the quantum scale

Most people know we don’t have a working theory of quantum gravity, but it is often hard to explain why. The simplest explanation is that we don’t know how gravity behaves at the smallest scales, and, since quantum physics deals with those scales, we can’t construct such a theory. ...

A Gift from the Sky

Thank you so much for the informative presentation about the meteorite 2024 BX1 that fell in Germany on January 21, 2024. Following the team’s Zoom call last night, I went through the numbers this morning during the half hour I had between waking up and my jog at sunrise. I attach the calculat...

Industrial-Scale Stem Cells Are Here

The hopes and dreams of regenerative medicine and the use of stem cells to treat or cure diseases have been a beacon of promise for 25 years. But after a roller coaster ride of scientific breakthroughs, clinical setbacks, policy wrangles, and an explosion of suspiciously charlatan clinics pushing un...