Tag: Roman

Romance Among the Roman Ruins

It feels like only yesterday when I crashed out my chair in the historical city of Bath, and plummeted into the heart-stopping narrative of an unexpected romance. It was a splendid day in this genteel Georgian city, teeming with the echoes of the ancients and the whisperings of timeless romance. ...

Some Weird Deaths of Roman Emperors

Being a Roman Emperor was not a safe job. Historians have identified 77 Ancient Roman Emperors. Most of those emperors died violently. Assassination was the most common cause of imperial death. Assassins, or rebellious soldiers, killed 37 emperors. Another five emperors probably died in battle. P...

6 Books on Roman History

After writing about the fall of the Roman Empire, I thought readers might appreciate links to a few books on the Roman world. First, let me say that in line with my thesis that the Empire fell over the course of the 7th century CE, I’ve drawn my line around 650 CE. These books cov...

Who was the Greatest Roman Emperor?

What makes a Roman emperor either good or bad? Do we reward the emperors who had military prowess and kept the enemies of Rome subdued over emperors who chose a policy of peace? How do we rate emperors from different eras? Should we judge emperors solely on their accomplishments during their lifetim...

A Roman Holiday Full of Art, Beauty, and Joy

Rome, the ancient, historical capital of Italy has always fascinated me. I had read about it, seen videos and movies, and heard so much about this eternal city. And finally, I was embarking on a journey to the shoe-shaped country. My excitement knew no bounds! Enveloped in tales of grandeur and a...

Et Tu, TikTok? Men, Shakespeare, and the Unbroken Thread of Roman Fascination

Apowerful force that changed the path of history, the Roman Empire is magnetic, especially to men. From Shakespeare to 21st Century men on TikTok, their fixation on the Roman Empire doesn’t budge. Its story is one of grandeur, might of military force, political intrigue, and diversity of cultu...

Could the Roman Empire have withstood the Mongols?

Historically, Mongolian tumens reached the Middle East, so a clash with the Romans would be inevitable if they existed concurrently. The Mongols had the advantage of being the attacking side; they could choose when and where to strike, not to mention their military innovations — stirrups and p...

A day in the life of a roman frontier guard at the Rhine

A few weeks ago, while travelling, I was standing at the river Rhine, looking east. As I am a huge history geek and have at times been very obsessed with the roman empire (like I guess many other?). It dawned to me that I was standing at the northmost border of the Roman Empire, looking into a ...

After the deposition, of the last Western Roman emperor, ( 476 A.D

Following the deposition of Romulus Augustulus, the Western Roman Empire, which was de facto limited by then to Italy and little more, ceased to exist as a political entity and was replaced in Italy by the “governorship” of the patrician Odoacer, as the representative of the sole imperia...

Why did the Eastern Roman Empire ( +1493 ) last much longer than the Western Roman Empire ( +476 ) ?

There are many reasons why the Eastern Roman Empire lasted much longer than the Western Empire. Of these, the most important causes in my opinion were the following: 1) The Eastern Empire, except in the Balkan area, was not exposed to the raids of the barbarians from Germany and the Eurasian step...

Democracy and the Roman Republic

Most people are aware of the influence of the Roman Empire. Ancient Rome was known for its aqueducts, roads, and legal codes. However, long before the ascendancy of the Empire, Rome created a functioning republican system. The Early Years The early rulers of Rome were Etruscan kings. However, ...

Augustus vs. Julius Caesar: Who Was the True Roman Legend?

Introduction: The annals of ancient Rome are replete with legendary figures, but perhaps none shine as brightly as Julius Caesar and Augustus. These two titans of Roman history left indelible marks on the world, reshaping the course of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. In this blog post, we ...

Why Do Men Often Think About The Roman Empire?

When we think of powerful empires that have left their mark on history, the Roman Empire often comes to mind. For many, it’s an empire of mighty warriors, impressive architecture, and influential leaders. But have you ever wondered why so many people, especially men, are particularly dra...

Was The Roman Historian Suetonius Actually Emperor Antoninus Pius?

Within the intricate tapestry of Roman history, few names have been as influential as Suetonius. Known for his vivid accounts of Roman emperors, many scholars and enthusiasts have devoured his words. However, a compelling theory suggests that Suetonius might have been a pseudonym for someone even mo...

When Did The Roman Empire Fall?

We all know social media recently declared that men think nonstop about the Roman Empire. True or not as a general claim, I do spend a lot of time thinking about it. Partly because I’m in the process of re-learning Latin. And as anyone who reads Latin primary texts can tell y...

The Many Coronas of Ancient Roman Society

The laurel wreath has endured for millennia in the public imagination as one of the defining symbols of ancient Rome. And as I’m sure most of you are aware, it was more than just a fun plant-based accessory or a casual bit of headwear. Not just any Gaius, Marcus, or Lucius could wrap a bunch o...

The Rise of the Roman Republic: From City-State to Empire

The story of Rome’s transformation from a small city-state to one of the most influential empires in history is a fascinating tale of political intrigue, military conquest, and cultural evolution. The rise of the Roman Republic represents a pivotal period in the history of Western civilization...

11 Fascinating Facts About the Roman Gladiators

I know the term, ‘Gladiator’ took you back to your favorite hero, Russel Crowe, and his charming enemy Joaquin Phoenix. But, the representation of real-life gladiators in the movie was not even close to reality. In ancient Rome, arena combat was an ingrained tradition that bridged the...

Iggy Pop on Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

In 1982, horrified by the meanness, tedium and depravity of my existence as I toured the American South playing rock and roll music and going crazy in public, I purchased an abridged copy of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Dero Saunders, Penguin). The grandeur of the subject a...

A Guide To The Political Offices Of The Roman Republic

Rome was the capital of a vast empire that believed it conquered the known world. And in a way, it did. Rome gave birth to the romantic languages, gave the blueprint of how western militaries are structured, and how the foundation of modern western law. Even the word republic comes from the Roman wo...

A Glimpse into the Daily Life of a Roman

Morning Routine: A Roman's day typically began at dawn. They would rise early and partake in a simple breakfast consisting of bread, olives, and perhaps some cheese. Romans placed great importance on personal hygiene, and a visit to the public baths was a common morning ritual. Work and Occup...

8 Of The Strangest Ancient Roman Practices

Ancient Rome did not have access to medical gauze and bandaids, so they had to be creative to make use of whatever was available to them. One of the things they had available in excess was animal dung, which they had begun to use to patch up the wounds. There was a whole procedure to this; even t...

The Roman Civil War: A Power Struggle That Shaped An Empire

The Roman Civil War, encompassing a series of conflicts between 49 and 30 BC, was a pivotal period in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. This was not a singular conflict, but rather a collection of power struggles that collectively brought about the rise of Augustus and ...

The Roman Empire Heir Who Was Killed By Trying To Catch A Pear In His Mouth

Death can sometimes come suddenly and unexpectedly. Sadly, there are cases of younger people with incredibly bright futures who are on the verge of fulfilling their promise only to have their future snuffed out; often due to bizarre circumstances. This includes Tiberius Claudius Drusus, the one-time...

Is the American Republic is falling like the Roman Republic?

Doomsayers have always compared our current chaotic political trajectory in America with the fall of the Roman Empire. However, the more correct comparison is the fall of the Roman Republic. The more correct comparison is the fall of the Roman Republic Here are some similarities betwe...

A Christian Mother Tackles the Roman Empire

Perpetua, a young matron of good family met her adversary’s eyes, and firmly announced, “I am a Christian.” And with these words, she condemned herself to death for her faith. Vibia Perpetua was a twenty-two year old wife and mother, a resident of the North African city of Ca...

What Did Medieval People Know About The Roman Empire?

There is an image that modern people have of Early Medieval peoples. The people are dirty, disheveled and can often be found huddling underneath Roman aqueducts. They squat in ruins that they don’t understand and whisper about gods long dead. When asked, these poor people don’t know what...

The Five Good Roman Emperors

The ancient world experienced its fair share of dictatorship, blatant decadence, immorality, and hedonism during the reign of several tyrannical caesars of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Modern history books are filled with the lore of their savagery and madness that was the signature of their tim...

How Roman Traditionalism Shot them in the Foot

Polybius gives an account of the Battle of Trebia. The battle started when Tiberius, the Roman commander, arrived on the scene. He “drew up his infantry in the usual Roman order”. Confident in their winning streak, he took this traditional Roman approach that had served them time and aga...

The “Leap Day”, well explained. A Story of Physics and Roman History

Today is the 29th of February, “Leap Day”. “Yes, that extra day we add every four years”, you would tend to say. But that’s only partially true… Our planet runs around its star, but not in the most convenient way — at lea...

Five Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Ancient Roman Women

Few ancient societies have had as big of an impact on the world as the ancient Romans. They reigned for over 1,200 years, and even today, evidence of their culture, laws, religion, and practices persist in some shape or form. At the same time, not everything the Romans did would have a place in the ...

Why Did The Roman Empire Fall?

The rise of Rome and the Third-Century Crisis For centuries, Rome, the Eternal City, was the dominant power of Western Eurasia. Starting from their humble backgrounds, the citizens of the Roman Republic subdued the inhabitants of the Italian peninsula by the 3rd century BC. With Italy under...

Was King Arthur an Ancient Roman?

Who hasn’t heard of the legendary King Arthur, the Celtic leader of Britain? Under his rule, he unified the country and successfully resisted the Saxon invasion. In legends, Arthur is named the son of the Brittonic king Uther Pendragon, raised far from his father under the supervision of the w...

Roman Architecture: Building an Empire

The Roman Empire, renowned for its unprecedented territorial conquests and political influence, also left an indelible mark on the world through its architectural prowess. Roman architecture, a testament to the empire’s grandeur and ingenuity, has stood the test of time, influencing building d...

What happened to the Roman Senate after the fall of the Roman Empire

In the 5th century AD, the Western Roman Empire ceased to exist. Its last emperor was Romulus Augustulus, the son of the patrician Flavius Orestes. The nickname “Augustulus” was given to him mockingly, meaning “little Augustus”. In reality, the Empire (or rather, what was lef...

Who was the Greatest Roman Emperor?

What makes a Roman emperor either good or bad? Do we reward the emperors who had military prowess and kept the enemies of Rome subdued over emperors who chose a policy of peace? How do we rate emperors from different eras? Should we judge emperors solely on their accomplishments during their lifetim...

How Roman Emperors Became Gods

The authority of Roman officials has always had a sacred aspect since ancient times. It was believed that the gods guided state decisions, especially “the father of gods,” Jupiter, and “the benevolent counselor” Juno. The legendary Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, fou...

Mysterious Roman Dodecahedron Has Been Unearthed in England

The Roman dodecahedron is a captivating and enigmatic artifact that has long captivated the imaginations of archaeologists and historians alike. With its intricate design and perplexing purpose, these small, hollow objects have been the subject of much debate and speculation for centuries. More t...

Digging into History: Serbia’s Spectacular Rediscovery of an Ancient Roman Triumph

Serbian archaeologists recently uncovered a third-century Roman triumphal arch, unveiling a fascinating chapter in the region’s history. \ The arch was unearthed at the Viminacium archaeological site, a Roman city close to the town of Kostolac, approximately 70 kilometers (45 miles) east of...

The Bombs of World War II Revealed Sopron’s Roman Origins…

I have been to Budapest on quite a few occasions. I have explored the Hungarian capital and the adjoining areas in great detail. Besides, I have also traveled to a few other cities in this beautiful, landlocked country. Debrecen, Szeged, and Pécs are decent additions to a traveler’s rep...

Best English to Hindi Roman translation

I am told that a translation from English to Hindi Roman is needed and I can be compensated with fame. The woman says that my previous translation was successful and they almost got the whole manuscript translated. I ask her if she knows the lineage of her family, and she says that her grandfathe...