Tag: Rethink

It’s Time to Rethink Degen Plays — Here’s Why

Hello, fellow investors and crypto enthusiasts. In today’s post, I want to share an urgent message that has been heavily weighing on my mind. It’s about the Degen (Degenerate) plays, something that was once the highlight of the bull market but is now ringing alarm bells. Let’s d...

The Couple Sitting Across From Me On A Plane Flight Made Me Rethink My Relationship

It wasn’t until halfway through the plane flight that I noticed the couple across the aisle from me. The woman was incredibly well put together with a glossiness about her hair, skin, and makeup that gave her an almost unearthly sheen. Not a single hair was out of place. The man sitting nex...

The Couple Sitting Across From Me On A Plane Flight Made Me Rethink My Relationship

It wasn’t until halfway through the plane flight that I noticed the couple across the aisle from me. The woman was incredibly well put together with a glossiness about her hair, skin, and makeup that gave her an almost unearthly sheen. Not a single hair was out of place. The man sitting nex...

We Need to Rethink Work

Over the decades, it seems that generational opinion towards work has shifted. Baby Boomers tend to stick with the same company their whole lives, and valued hard work above many other things. Gen Xers seem to value more work-life balance than their parents and also look for c...