Tag: Resources

Tricks And Resources Curated Carefully

There are two types of tricks in data science and ML: tricks that are rare and very cool. They are designed to grab your attention but ultimately, you will never use them because their use-cases are too narrow. Think of those Python one-liners that are dreadful in terms of readab...

Resources to Learn Mobile Development

One question that I am asked on a regular basis is “How do I learn mobile development?” This question was always hard to answer in a conversation because I learned to write code from a community of content creators that made their content open and free (like this article). This article a...

9 Online Resources To Learn How To Draw

Most of us who love art, myself included, dream of being able to actually produce something creative. Perhaps not to the level of the artists we admire, but certainly something that isn’t totally unrecognisable, that we can look upon, feel proud and get the kind of kicks Manda Lane talks ...

6 illustration resources you should know.

In this post, I will bring to you a list of my top illustration websites where you can find high-quality free & paid illustrations to use in your designs. You can select from these beautiful illustrations that fit your product or service and create better-looking web, app, brand identi...

Free Design Resources — Illustrations

I want to share a few selected compilation of design tools and assets to enhance your design endeavors An illustration is as a visual representation of text, doubling as decorative or interpretive elements. Illustrations play a vital role in contemporary design, serving various func...

Free UI/UX Illustrations Resources

Hey guys! Sometimes when designing a website or an app we need illustrations to make product awesome. Today I am going to share top 5 free illustration resources with you. You can use these free illustrations to class up your projects. Also illustrations are all vector and customizable. Let’s ...

9 Online Resources To Learn How To Draw

Most of us who love art, myself included, dream of being able to actually produce something creative. Perhaps not to the level of the artists we admire, but certainly something that isn’t totally unrecognisable, that we can look upon, feel proud and get the kind of kicks Manda Lane talks ...

AWS — Provision EKS Cluster Using Terraform Resources

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed service that makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS. With EKS, you can focus on building and running your applications, while AWS takes care of managing the Kubernetes control plane, worker nodes, and cluster resources. Amazon EKS...

Terraform Resources

In the realm of Terraform, the process of orchestrating cloud resources begins with understanding Terraform resources. In this journey, we embark on three fundamental tasks: Task 1 involves creating a security group, Task 2 is about crafting an EC2 instance, and Task 3 guides us...

Creating Azure Resources with Terraform: A Step-by-Step Guide

This tutorial provides a comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide on how to use Terraform to create Azure resources. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this tutorial will walk you through the process, from setting up your Azure account to deploying your first resource. Prerequires ...

AWS — Provision EKS Cluster Using Terraform Resources

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed service that makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS. With EKS, you can focus on building and running your applications, while AWS takes care of managing the Kubernetes control plane, worker nodes, and cluster resources. Amazon EKS...

How to import existing AWS resources using Terraform?

Terraform is a free and open-source infrastructure as code (IAC) that can help to automate the deployment, configuration, and management of remote servers. Terraform can manage both existing service providers and custom in-house solutions. Read more about Terraform here Terraform W...

Terraform Resources

In the realm of Terraform, the process of orchestrating cloud resources begins with understanding Terraform resources. In this journey, we embark on three fundamental tasks: Task 1 involves creating a security group, Task 2 is about crafting an EC2 instance, and Task 3 guides us...

Kotlin and Jetpack Compose Learning Resources.

Someone asked me Where to learn Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. Here some good resource to learn about Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. For Kotlin Resources are: On YouTube, you can watch CodeTutor, Kotlin by JetBrains, Philipp Lackner, Cheezy Code videos CodeTutor: Kotlin...

Closed Loop Fashion: How the Products of Today can Become the Resources of Tomorrow

It is obvious now that we are not going to recycle our way out of the waste problem plaguing our planet and we cannot pull plastic and rubbish out of the oceans at the rate we are putting it in. Burying it in the ground is not a long-term solution and burning it is just plain wasteful — not to...

December Garden Resources and Tips

Feeding birds can be a great way to enjoy your garden in the winter. Birds tend to have their tastes, so match the food you offer to the birds in your area. For example, finches love niger seed, provided in a hanging “sock,” whereas black oil seed will attract a wide variety of birds ...

Philosophy And Significance Of Wildlife Conservation

Conservation is preventing of wasteful use of resources and Wildlife conservation is the prevention and protection of animals, plants and other habitats. By conserving wildlife we’re ensuring that future generations can enjoy our natural world and the incredible species that liv...

If you needed more reasons to think that Columbus was a Dick!

In one of these places, he had to return to Spain due to insufficient resources, inadequate food for his crew. He asked the natives, “Would you please share some of your stock collected from your farming?” However, this particular group of natives only produced the exact amount of foo...

It Starts with One: Opioid Crisis Resources

However, prescription pain medications are now the leading cause of accidental death in Washington State. Even more alarming, 75 percent of people who misused prescription painkillers took them from a friend or family member. This epidemic is in our own backyard. But, you can be part of the solution...

Beginner Mandarin Resources

One of my personal ‘bucket list’ goals of learning was learning basic Mandarin, and during 2020 I finally found the time to make it happen. Here’s a few resources I really liked to help you get started on learning! Disclaimer — I am very much a BEGINNER in Mandar...