9 Online Resources To Learn How To Draw

<p>Most of us who love art, myself included, dream of being able to actually produce something creative. Perhaps not to the level of the artists we admire, but certainly something that isn&rsquo;t totally unrecognisable, that we can look upon, feel proud and get the kind of kicks&nbsp;<a href="https://splatrs.com/street-artists/daily-art-manda-lane/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Manda Lane talks about</a>&nbsp;with adding an art practice into our lives.</p> <p>Sadly, most of us believe the totally untrue notion that you&rsquo;re either born with artistic talent or not. When in reality, making art, like everything else in life, requires practice to produce talent. And thanks to the internet, the tips and tools to work on those artistic skills have never been easier to access.</p> <p>With so many, many, many, many YouTube channels dedicated to drawing and painting tutorials, I&rsquo;ve narrowed this article down to cover just drawing, and we will cover painting in a later piece.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/splatrs/9-online-resources-to-learn-how-to-draw-d69d677e9117"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>