How to import existing AWS resources using Terraform?

<p>Terraform is a free and open-source infrastructure as code (IAC) that can help to automate the deployment, configuration, and management of remote servers. Terraform can manage both existing service providers and custom in-house solutions.</p> <p>Read more about Terraform&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>here</strong></a></p> <p><img alt="" src="*vp1GdAxUioNcD_YQ" style="height:368px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Terraform</p> <h2>Why import?</h2> <p>In your organization, you must have created resources on AWS or any other cloud for managing the entire infrastructure. Some of the resources you have created manually or some of them using any other tool or using cli commands. Terraform is a free and open-source infrastructure as code (IAC) that can help to automate the deployment, configuration, and management of remote servers. In order to manage all the resources in one place we need to import the resources so that Terraform can keep a track of all the resources and manage them.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: AWS Resources