Beginner Mandarin Resources

<p>One of my personal &lsquo;bucket list&rsquo; goals of learning was learning basic Mandarin, and during 2020 I finally found the time to make it happen. Here&rsquo;s a few resources I really liked to help you get started on learning!</p> <p>Disclaimer &mdash; I am very much a&nbsp;<strong>BEGINNER&nbsp;</strong>in Mandarin! I can say basic phrases, have a oral vocabulary of 400&ndash;500 words, I can read ~250 characters, and I can write ~100 characters.</p> <p>Resources are at the top, but if you want to learn more about why I wanted to learn Mandarin &amp; my process, I wrote a bit about that after resources.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>click Here</strong></a></p>