Tag: Republican

The End of the Republican Party

Political parties have come and gone throughout American history; Alexander Hamiton was part of the Federalist Party, and Thomas Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican. We've had a Know-Nothing Party, an Anti-Masonic Party, and Whigs. All of them came to an end, none of t...

How Trump Reshaped the Republican Party’s Identity and Rhetoric?

Traditionally, the GOP was seen as the party of small government, fiscal conservatism, and free-market principles. However, the Trump era signaled a paradigm shift, with the introduction of populist messaging that resonated deeply with a significant portion of the American electorate. A...

Trump’s Republican Club painting and what it means

You don’t need a degree in art history or even a half-decent eye to know that the painting, recently discovered to be hanging on a wall in the White House, is one hell of a piece of art. The image shows Trump, centre-stage, at an imagined drinks table. He is surrounded on all sides by previ...

The End of the Republican Party (Part 2)

I don't claim to be clairvoyant, but looking ahead to the fate of the Republican Party is becoming ever more apparent. I wrote weeks ago about The End of the Republican Party, which includes the history of other political parties ending in America. The first step I predicted was an impeachment i...

The End of the Republican Party (Part 2)

I don't claim to be clairvoyant, but looking ahead to the fate of the Republican Party is becoming ever more apparent. I wrote weeks ago about The End of the Republican Party, which includes the history of other political parties ending in America. The first step I predicted was an impeachment i...

Republican Debate Was a Missed Opportunity to Bring up Climate Change

Last week’s debate in Miami gave Republican presidential hopefuls another shot to make their appeal to Americans as to why they should be the nominee. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christ...

Critical Race Theory: A Source of Contention in Republican Circles

Critical Race Theory has sparked significant controversy within Republican circles, leading to debates and concerns among party members. This article dives into the reasons behind the growing unease surrounding CRT within Republican ranks and the implications of this ideological divide. I. Ideolo...

The Republican Civil War

This week, Republican candidates took to the debate stage in the second Republican primary debate, vying for the hearts and minds of Republican voters across America. While courting key demographics, candidates took turns trading shots at one another and, occasionally, former President Tru...

Trump and the Republicans

I’m publishing this series of articles to share and discuss my ruminations on coping with a troubled and messy world. You can “follow” me to never miss an article. Essentially, we’re living in a recurring nightmare where the same bad movies keep playing again and again. ...

It’s Over! The Republican National Committee Has Spoken, Concedes Only After Two Contests

The race for the Republican Party presidential nomination is over in two states. One Republican wants it over now, PERIOD. But what about the other 48 states? Don’t they get a voice? No. If some Republicans had their way. “Officially “the Republican National Committee is neut...

The Republican primary was over before it even began

With Donald Trump winning 54.3% of the vote in New Hampshire, remaining candidate Nikki Haley finds herself in an incredibly challenging position should she remain in the running for the Republican nominee. It is safe to say the race is Trump’s to lose — yet it wasn’t that far-fetc...

Border? What Border? The New Republican Policy: Do Nothing

I’ve been wanting to write about cowardice in politics, particularly Republican politics. There are plenty of examples, but this week provides a glaring one, one even cynics like me find appalling. For the last year we have heard endless rants about the border and immigration crisis from th...

Regional and State Variations of the Democratic and Republican Parties

More than that, not every state affiliate of the two major parties are the same. History has seen plenty of major differences in state parties versus the national counterparts to the point that many of them have their own unique nicknames. An Alabama Democrat is often going to be quite different fro...

Make Way for the “Oh, Just Shut Up” Party

Well, happy July 4th, American friends and relations! Woot! Hoot! Yay! I had a wonderful day with my family. My siblings gathered with a few adult kids and a fabulous dog. My sister put on a wonderful barbecue, in true Italian-American style. Meaning of course, that there will be leftovers until ...

The Republican Party Is Like A Battered Wife Who Is Too Afraid To Leave Her Husband

I could not understand why Republican leaders keep making excuses for Trump until I thought of it in terms of domestic abuse. We cannot help domestic violence victims if we keep saying, “I don’t know why she won’t just leave him. Anybody can see he’s going to destroy her i...

The Republican and Democratic Parties: Where Are They Now?

Today’s Republicans and Democrats hold positions that largely mirror their predecessors from the New Deal era forward. Democrats favor a larger government role in controlling the economy, civil rights for minorities, and support for untraditional stances on social issues like abortion (Kollman...

Is the Republican Party About to Go the Way of the Whigs?

We like to believe we can vote for whomever we want in the United States, yet because we do not practice a parliamentary system nor a national-level system of proportional representation, our electoral system is designed for only the Democratic or Republican party. But co...

Bankrupt Republican Party: Intellectually Bankrupt, Morally Bankrupt, and Running Scared

I had tried to maintain that the Republican Party is still redeemable, had tried to maintain that it could perhaps rehabilitate itself and get back to being a functional political party again, had tried to maintain that it is worthwhile in the admittedly messy world of politics to negotiate and make...