Tag: Remote

While Most Big Firms are Returning to Office, My Friend Saved $1M by Going All Remote

My friend Alex (pseudonym) is the type of guy whose heart beats to the rhythm of software codes. Before the COVID storm hit the world, he started his own company in 2018. We all knew Alex would do something big, but we never thought there was an entrepreneur inside him all along. So, Alex had no ...

AI is Killing Remote Work

In 2020 and 2021, many a breathless think-piece was written about the Future of Work. The Old World was never coming back, and we all had to adapt to the reality forced upon use by COVID, or be left behind. Visions tended to vary, but most agreed: Work from Home was here to stay. How co...

Well, Well, Well, I’d Say Remote Work Has Failed

I sometimes (OK, a lot of the time) troll Medium for article ideas. Because some of my greatest articles are someone else’s clickbait title plus an article that actually delivers on the clickbait title. It’s not the worst way to write an article. The title works, that’s why you cli...

How Remote Workers Can Stay Productive and Advance Their Careers

As a telecommuter, you face novel inconveniences in your normal work. Without the turn of events and facilitated endeavors of a standard office climate, it’s not difficult to feel secluded or bound from your colleagues and company culture. Regardless, with the right strategies and outlook, you...

“Get Paid to Move: Exploring Cities Offering Incentives to Remote Workers”

The concept of remote work has taken the world by storm, and with it, the idea of relocating to new cities for a change of scenery. But what if we told you that you could not only change your surroundings but also get paid to do it? In this blog, we’ll explore several cities in the Tri-St...

Remote Jobs in 2023

As we move further into 2023, the trend of remote work continues to grow. With advancements in technology and a shift in societal norms, more and more companies are opting to allow their employees to work from home. This has led to a rise in remote job opportunities across various industries. One...

25 fun Icebreaker questions to engage your remote team on Slack

Workplace appropriate Icebreakers for your next virtual team building activity Fun icebreakers with Ricotta Trivia on Slack! With companies increasingly opting for their employees to go remote, managers and human resource teams face new challenges: How to create a fun work atmosphere ...

WFH? 13 Ways to Master the Remote Only Meeting

In today’s fast-paced and digitally connected world, remote-only meetings have become a standard practice for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Whether you’re managing a team scattered across the globe or simply adapting to the demands of the modern workforce, running effective ...

Remote development, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the Mainframe

Development on a remote server is not as tricky as it sounds. In fact getting a cheap VPS droplet or a cluster has some insane benefits over having a multitude of local binaries as interpreters or using Docker for Mac. Update 2022: I just use Nimbus these days. Important:&nbsp...

Quota Management for WinRM Remote Shells

Introduction Managing system resources efficiently is paramount for the smooth operation of any networked environment. Windows Remote Management (WinRM), a crucial component in Windows Server environments, comes with its own set of quotas to ensure better service quality, mitigate denial of servi...

How to Remove Remote Management Screen from MacBook without Password (2023)

macOS Sonoma is now public available so I upgraded my MacBook Air (bought from eBay) with Apple M1 chip to Sonoma. This device was running perfectly when upgrading from Monterey to Ventura but not the case in this time. All of sudden, my MacBook Air got stuck on remote management screen and ...

How Fixico is Redefining the Car Repair Industry with Remote Cooperation

Mujib Azizi, CTO Fixico, shares how Fixico has extended its software development team with dedicated remote developers. Recently, we sat down with Mujib Azizi, Chief Technology Officer at Fixico, to find out more about their innovative technology and the team that’s redef...

Dubai: The Right Choice for Remote Workers?

Are you a freelancer, contractor, or remote worker wondering if Dubai is the right choice for you? As someone who has been working with companies abroad for over 2.5 years, I recently began to consider this very question. In this article, I’ll break down the financial advantages of moving to D...


The transition to working from home was quite unique for MBP. We knew we wanted to keep creating, so we managed to take our production process fully-remote. We do miss being in the office with the team — easily talking through upcoming projects, and bouncing off each other’s...

Goody: A Remote Control to Share Joy

A few weeks ago, just in time for the holidays, we launched Goody. In one sentence, Goody is an app that makes it easy to send gifts and warmth to the people in your life. Why are we building this? I have many ideas. I keep a long list that has over 1000 now, and don’t necessarily t...

Visiting One of Japan’s Most Remote Islands

Allow me to tell the story of two separate encounters with a magical place on a remote Japanese island. Reaching it takes a full day of travel. Getting there, in a nutshell — take the bullet train from Tokyo across Japan’s main island, continuing through Kyushu to the final stop at it...

Hiking in Thailand’s Remote Wilderness

Birds are singing, cicadas chirping, and insects humming. Now and then a leaf is tumbling down from the high treetops. The forest is buzzing. Full of life. But no signs of humans. Just our footsteps are to be heard rustling on the foliage of the forest floor. We’re hiking on a nature trail ...

Remote woodland — home to Scotland’s oldest wild pine — saved as part of rewilding initiative

A remote ancient woodland — home to Scotland’s oldest wild Scots pine, which is at least 565-years-old — has been saved from being lost forever and given a chance of regeneration thanks to Trees for Life, as part of the charity’s vast Affric Highlands rewilding initiative. ...

12 Things I’m Glad I Invested for My Work as a Remote Programmer

Based on my subjective opinion, I am writing about what was good and not suitable after purchasing items. Therefore, there is no objective basis, and I believe some individuals might consider something unfavorable for me as the best purchase of their lives. This is an investment I’m pleased...

What is Remote Online Notarization?

As new technologies emerge every year, and more people are forced to work remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments are moving quickly to enable fully electronic processes to allow businesses to continue operating. In line with these developments, on the LegalTech front, there has be...

Easter Island: a Remote Enigma

The most well-known residents of Easter Island are the recognisable Moai, which are monolithic stone statues with recognisable human features. These massive, enigmatic figures, which were carved by the Rapa Nui people between the 13th and 16th centuries, watch over the island in silence. Numerous th...

Remote Viewing of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (Council of Five) — Protectors of Planet Earth

In December 2020, the father of the Israeli space program, Professor Haim Eshed, created an international media frenzy when he described President Donald Trump as communicating with an alliance of extraterrestrial races called the Galactic Federation. Eshed said that Trump wanted to reveal the tr...

Remote Riches: Making Money Anywhere in the World

In today's interconnected world, the traditional notion of work tied to a specific location is rapidly fading away. With advancements in technology and the proliferation of remote work opportunities, individuals now have the freedom to earn a living from virtually anywhere on the globe. This shi...

Creating New Data Scientists in the Age of Remote Work

Today’s column is partly about data science, but it’s also about the sociology of work. As a senior practitioner in the field, I started my data science career long before Covid-19 and the radical shift in the way we work today developed. I started my professional career years before eve...

Unlocking the Social Potential of AR with Remote Multiplayer Experiences

Augmented Reality (AR) is poised to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us, but to unlock its full potential, AR experiences need to transcend solitary interactions. The most compelling and engaging games on mobile and console platforms owe much of their success to their multipla...

Title: Remote Work Trends and the Future of Work

The landscape of work has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with remote work emerging as a dominant trend. Accelerated by technological advancements and global events like the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become increasingly prevalent across various industries. As we look...