<p>The transition to working from home was quite unique for MBP. We knew we wanted to keep creating, so we managed to take our&nbsp;<strong>production process</strong>&nbsp;<strong>fully-remote.</strong></p> <p>We do miss being in the office with the team &mdash; easily talking through upcoming projects, and bouncing off each other&rsquo;s energy and ideas. There&rsquo;s the social side, too. The MBPeeps are a tight-knit group who love a bit of banter and&nbsp;<a href="https://open.spotify.com/user/miq6hwzo6wt8530hebdb8lyw4?si=H7CL5RO3RqGikCRlMO02bA" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>blasting our tunes</strong></a>&nbsp;throughout the building. And of course, being with clients. It&rsquo;s always a pleasure to welcome them to MBP HQ, going for a wee coffee, and our favourite, productions.</p> <p><a href="https://mbpltd.medium.com/mbp-remote-studio-d75b67419f89"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Remote Studio