Tag: Religion

My Old Religion Has A New Name, What Do You Call Yours?

Roaring Rivers Torrents, currents, and ripples by Christyl Rivers, PhD Christyl’s journey of faith Protesting splitters I grew up in a Catholic neighborhood. I wanted to belong. I guess I never really liked their heavy rules, though. But I learned some history. Back in...

Donald Trump Losing His Religion — If He Ever Had Any

Evangelicals got into bed with Donald Trump, the sinner. How many broken commandments? Adultery, stealing, coveting, no other gods, taking God’s name in vain, sabbath, bearing false witness — lying. They prayed over him. At least until he gave them what they wanted. It was...

We’re Taking a Break from Church Because Religion Made My Child Hateful

Trigger warning: This article contains negative references to the LGBTQIA+ community and religious beliefs that may upset some readers. “I believe there are only two genders: male and female,” my preteen son said, out of the blue, as we rounded the corner of our street. We were t...

Religion, Culture and Unreasonable Expectations

Toronto, Canada: It was a beautiful Sunday morning. I had headed to the beautiful and warm Nigerian church I was attending at the time to sing, dance and listen to the word of God. Overall, I was looking forward to fellowshipping with others. As I stepped out of my car heading to the church entra...

Buddhism. Religion or Philosophy?

Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy? There is no deity in Buddhism. The original Buddha doesn’t claim to be a descendant from any heaven. There is creation story in Buddhism. And Buddha has no punishment power over people that don’t follow his teaching. But let’s look into...

Why Religion is Evil

Living in the United States and being there as a child in the wake of 9/11, I lived in a society that created an atmosphere of fear against Muslims as terrorist, as killers, as suicide bombers in the name of their culture and religion. The instilled beliefs from school children that Muslims have a s...

Why Is Your Religion Better Than Mine?

That’s how old I was when I found out that my religion wasn’t the only major religion out there, and the world doesn’t exclusively function according to the Judeo-Christian view. I grew up in Nigeria. You probably have heard a few things about Nigeria, but if you haven’t; it ...

Hinduism — Where Science Is Religion (Part-2)

Author and researcher Siddhartha Chhabra has published his findings in a book called The Big Bang and the Sages. One of the most significant data points is the Puranic age of the universe. For the past several thousand years or more, the Puranas have contained elaborate descriptions of the...

Do Ghosts Really Exist According to Religion?

Christianity has conflicting perspectives. The Bible doesn’t directly address ghosts. Some think ghosts are possible, while others reject them as demonic illusions or figments of imagination. The jury is still out. Photo by phil thep on Unsplash Islam firmly denie...

Religion is an Obligation

One of my favorite words in Arabic is دين din — religion. This translation is appropriate because the Arabic approximates to the Latin verb religare — to bind which is nominalized into religio — obligation/ bond. Anyways, the Arabic word comes from ...

Science or Religion.

The Holy Quran mentions in detail how the Earth, the Sun and all other heavenly bodies are moving in their specific orbits. That was over 14 centuries ago. Now science comes out and states that the Earth is stationary and everything else revolves around it. Then the science advan...

The Religion of Abraham

Many contend about what Islam is. Did the Prophet Muhammad culturally redefine Christianity, forming a new and more palatable doctrine for his society? Or was his existence simply a continuation of men commissioned with prophethood, sent by God to various nations? These questions have been at the fo...

How Abrahamic Religions Subordinate Females

I have been thinking about feminine beauty, feminine physical beauty. And I was thinking that in our male dominated civilizations, how feminine beauty can be a curse & often is a curse. It’s a curse because those born with physical beauty become objects of men’s desire...

Religion — Story of a Creature

Recipe of Religion originated in some idiot's mind and cooked in Dessert (Jerusalem) then it traveled to Europe. In Europe this Religion thing took many shapes and forms, you can say a level of maturity. Then this Religion thing destroyed Europe in form of Crusades (First most violent form (Chri...

Abraham: The Father of The Abrahamic Religions

Abraham, the Father of the Abrahamic Religions, holds a significant place in the beliefs and practices of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. His story, which is deeply rooted in religious texts, serves as a foundation for these faiths and shapes their understanding of God, morality, and the purpose o...

Why I’m not an atheist

Isuspect this article will irritate two groups of people: atheists, and Fundamentalist Christians. I’m not judging your religious beliefs, or lack thereof, rather I am often asked why I am not an atheist? I am asked this question nearly equally by the two above-named groups. Many of my friends...

Religion and Science: A Complex Intersection and the Case of Gender Theory

The relationship between religion and science has been historically complex, marked by moments of both convergence and divergence. A particularly poignant example of this tension is seen in the discussion around gender theory. While science increasingly supports a more fluid and spectrum-based un...

The Religion Of Solitude

These are my first thoughts. Yet I haven't even asked the main question: Is there any basis for Aldous Huxley’s assertion in reality? So is it? What ‘true’, the statement by Aldous Huxley? Shall we have a journey into the anatomy of the mind in solitude and in situ? Or ...

Religion and Retail: When Employees Take Matters Into Their Own Hands

The stories are appearing more frequently in the news now that Roe v. Wade was overturned. In Hayward, Wisconsin, a small town in the northwestern quadrant, a cashier at the local Walgreens refused to sell a couple some condoms because of his faith. After embarrassing the couple in front o...

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion

“The Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion” is a classic course in departments of anthropology all over the world. In part, this is because every human culture engages with these topics: “magic,” “witchcraft,” and “religion.” Clearly, they ar...

Astronomy in The Origins of Religion

Astronomy and religion have long been intertwined with their interactions resembling a symbiotic relationship since prehistoric times. Building on existing archaeological research, this study asks: do the interactions between astronomy and religion, beginning from prehistory, form a distinct religio...

Who Has Claim? 3,000 Years of Religion in the Land Between

I can’t talk about population until we decide what to call this area. I will be calling it the Land Between. If you want an account of that name, buy and read this nice archaeo-geographic reference book for your coffee table. But broadly, “Land Between” refers to the important...

Auguste Comte and the Religion of Humanity

Auguste Comte believed a scientific society and God could not co-exist. A scientific society and religion, on the other hand, absolutely. He saw God and religion as separate entities, and that God’s ‘death’ should not lead to the death of religion, for the sake of humanity. Augu...

They gave RELIGION and TOOK everything away, even THEIR dignity

The distinction I am making here should help understand why practitioners of a religion can bring their religion to others, forcefully convert them to that religion, whilst NOT living out the ideals and morality of the said religion themselves. It was this distinction that made Mahatma Gandhi say ...