My Old Religion Has A New Name, What Do You Call Yours?

<h1>Roaring Rivers</h1> <p>Torrents, currents, and ripples by&nbsp;<strong>Christyl Rivers,</strong>&nbsp;PhD</p> <h2>Christyl&rsquo;s journey of faith</h2> <h2>Protesting splitters</h2> <p>I grew up in a Catholic neighborhood. I wanted to belong. I guess I never really liked their heavy rules, though. But I learned some history.</p> <p>Back in the day, Protestants were protesting the excess of the Catholic Church; the wealth, the corruption, the indulgences, the excess, the embroidery, the idea that an intermediary was needed for salvation.</p> <p>Then, Martin Luther came along to say:&nbsp;<em>No, just no</em>.</p> <p>Later, protestants found a friend in King Henry the Eighth, who upon lusting for adultery, power, murder, and misogyny, did a bit of each and founded the Anglican Church. My SOS was raised in this.</p> <p>I began to realize that all religion is about splitting. Split off from the Heathens. Then the Hebrews. Then, the Romans, etc.</p> <h2>&lsquo;Christ&rsquo; is most of my name</h2> <p>I was raised a true Christian. That is, a Christian who recognized Christ as a social justice warrior who cared about the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, the alienated, the discarded, the women, and even the lilies of the field.</p> <p>Yet, somehow, not even that worked for me once I learned there are about 5,000 true religions of the world. All true. What?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>