Auguste Comte and the Religion of Humanity

<p>Auguste Comte believed a scientific society and God could not co-exist. A scientific society and religion, on the other hand, absolutely. He saw God and religion as separate entities, and that God&rsquo;s &lsquo;death&rsquo; should not lead to the death of religion, for the sake of humanity.</p> <p>Auguste Comte was born in 1798, France. He is often cited as one of the founding fathers of sociology. Known for his theory of positivism, he believed that just as there are &lsquo;laws of physics&rsquo;, so too are there &lsquo;laws of society&rsquo;. Essentially, Comte believed social sciences should be studied like natural sciences. Within positivism Comte put forward the &lsquo;Law of 3 stages&rsquo; for societies, they are as follows:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>