Tag: Reiki

3 Reasons You May Feel Tired After a Reiki Session

Most of us run our lives in go mode. We are on to the next thing as quickly as we can be. It often doesn’t leave any space for grounding or time alone with our thoughts. Reiki sessions are the opposite, they give you time and space. In addition to that, a session will often shift you from go m...

What to Do if You Feel Drained after Giving Reiki

This was the question a Reiki practitioner from California recently reached out to me about. Her Reiki sessions suddenly seemed to be sucking the life force energy right out of her. It was so bad, she thinking of stopping them altogether. If you are feeling tired, drained or energetically de...

Preparing for the Professional Reiki Session

Reiki practitioners and professionals are aware of the importance of properly preparing for a Reiki session. Over the years, I have come to appreciate the true significance of an intentional and thoughtful preparation, primarily because of its effect on the entire session going forward. By taking th...

The Beginning of the End of Reiki Attunements?

Millions of attunements have been carried out over Reiki’s 100 year history, it is estimated there are over 5 million Reiki practitioners worldwide. The hypothesis is that the morphic field of information around Reiki has grown exponentially over this 100 year period. It is postulated that at ...

How Reiki Ruined My Life Prt. 1

In fall 2020, my life changed forever. Shortly after celebrating Virgo season, I began experiencing health issues. What started off as a routine stress fracture became a year long saga to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. Within a few months I had full body pain, full body nerve issues, in...

Word Reiki

May the music of the spheres escort you to a turquoise-ringed planet of rose quartz and tenacity, cloud-covered with trust May you catch falling stars then carry them carefully in your pocket until they hatch – orbs sprouting caladrius wings Website

Theta vs. Reiki: What’s Good?

Theta and Reiki can be both highly effective healing practices that work with your energy and the energy of the Universe, All that Is, God, etc. Theta is a practice by which one uses the power of All That Is to command, observe, and co-create new beliefs and manifestations in one’s own life. R...

Introducing Proof of Creativity for Reiki

In today’s digital age, AI creators are playing a crucial role in shaping the future of technology. With the recent release of “creator monetization” by the well-known AI UGC platform POE, the spotlight is now on the demand for AI creators to make a profit through their chatbo...

Reiki Level 1: A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Healing for Beginners

Are you searching for a holistic practice that can help you tap into your inner healing abilities? Look no further than Reiki Level 1, the perfect starting point for anyone interested in energy healing and self-discovery. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the fundamentals of Reiki Level 1...

A Reiki-infused Celebration of Light and Renewal

The Winter Solstice gives us the opportunity to invite love and light into our lives. Making Reiki a part of your Solstice celebrations can be a good way for practitioners to enhance the experience. Let’s immerse ourselves in the magic of connection, healing, and renewal this season. Here are ...

The Beginning of the End of Reiki Attunements?

Reiki attunements open doors to allow people to channel Reiki through their hands. It is seen as an essential part of the Reiki training with Reiki Masters being the only people able to carry out attunements. Traditionally attunements are done in-person but in the past decade a growing number of Rei...

How to Practice Mindful Reiki

Practicing Reiki as a spiritual discipline is almost never discussed in any books, any websites and none of the national Reiki organisations. So prevalent is the obsession with Reiki as nothing more than a hands-on energy healing system, that its larger, more challenging but more important aspects a...

SEO for Reiki Healing Centers: Boost Your Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business, including Reiki healing centers. Understanding the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential in attracting more clients to your Reiki center and boosting its visibility on search e...

Understanding Reiki Attunement: A Path to Healing Energy

Reiki, a Japanese spiritual practice developed in the early 20th century, has gained immense popularity in recent years for its holistic approach to healing. At the core of Reiki’s transformative power lies the concept of “Reiki attunement” or “Reiki initiation.” This s...

Rethinking the 5 Reiki Precepts

I’ve made a lot of dramatic changes in my lifestyle over the past few years in an effort to lead a more sustainable and stress free life. I’ve closed down my gym, retired from personal training, rid myself of many possessions, and lived out of a converted van while travelling across t...

Discovering Reiki: A Mini Tour to This Ancient Healing System

Reiki is a non-invasive and gentle practice that cherishes the well-being of all living beings. Reiki practitioners are trained to be compassionate and respectful towards their clients and the environment. They are also encouraged to maintain their own physical, emotional, and spiritual health to be...

Reiki Grounding and Cleansing Affirmation

Reiki practitioners are aware of the importance of grounding the client during a Reiki session, and over the years, Reiki has guided me to develop an effective grounding practice. This affirmation effectively grounds the client, as it also releases and removes any incompatible and/or unhealthy energ...

The Reiki Path -Accept and Trust

As a Reiki teacher, I have had the honor and privilege of initiating many individuals to the Reiki path. This is always a beautiful and sacred event for me as well as the student. Lately, the memories and feelings of my first Reiki attunement have been flooding through me. I marvel at the changes in...

A Simple Self-Reiki Checklist

In Reiki and in life, it’s best to keep things simple and minimal. Many get caught up in the spiritual materialism of Reiki and yoga. You don’t need 12 candles, 25 crystals, incense burning, etc., in order to do a self-Reiki session. It doesn’t need to be a long, drawn-out sessi...

What is Reiki and what is not?

Reiki is the fundamental life force found in unlimited quantities within and around all living things. We can say that the source of this is the point of creation of the Universe… All kinds of bad events we experience and the negative effects we receive from the outside world are me...

Fairy Realms Reiki

Fairy Realms Reiki was gifted to me on July 4th, 2005 at my home in the Olympic Mountains near the Washington State Capitol, Olympia. The day I was given Fairy Realms Reiki I was watering plants, checking on young trees that had been developing from seed or planted, and other various activities focu...

The Transformative Flames of Holy Fire® Reiki

Nearly seven years have passed since I began my Holy Fire Reiki® (HFR) journey. Throughout those years, I have experienced remarkable healing and growth in almost all areas of my life and Reiki practice. Its transformative effects began almost immediately, and during my first year as an HFR Mast...

Karuna Reiki Healing

Karuna Reiki is a form of energy healing that combines elements of traditional Usui Reiki with additional healing techniques and symbols. The word “karuna” is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning “compassion,” and the practice is often associated with promoting emotional heal...

The Healing Touch of Reiki Marketing: Energize Your Business — Part 1

Welcome, my dear friends of the alternative health and wellness business world! If you’ve embarked on the journey of turning your passion for healing into a thriving business, you’re in for a treat. We’ll be drawing wisdom from the legendary Hawayo Takata, delving...

What Is Reiki Healing

Energy Channeling: A Reiki practitioner uses their hands to channel and transfer healing energy to the recipient. This is often done through gentle touch or by holding their hands slightly above the recipient’s body. Balancing Energy: The practitioner believes that the universal life energy...

What Exactly is Reiki?

If I had an FAQ list for my business (which is coming soon), at the top would be the question: what EXACTLY IS REIKI ANYWAY? I always respond first that it is something best experienced rather than explained, but of course, as with anything, it can be broken down into an explanation. Ultimately, ...