3 Reasons You May Feel Tired After a Reiki Session

<p>Most of us run our lives in go mode. We are on to the next thing as quickly as we can be. It often doesn&rsquo;t leave any space for grounding or time alone with our thoughts. Reiki sessions are the opposite, they give you time and space. In addition to that, a session will often shift you from go mode into flow mode and make everything feel less urgent. Then &mdash; it feels safe to sleep so you get tired.</p> <p><strong>You needed to relax and rest</strong></p> <p>This one I think we can all relate to. None of us get enough rest and relaxation in this capitalism-ruled, productivity-driven society. It&rsquo;s not our fault either. We grew up tying how much we could produce to our worth and that still lingers. Reiki serves our greatest and highest good so if you needed to rest, you&rsquo;d likely feel tired after a session.</p> <p><a href="https://izzywriteseverything.medium.com/3-reasons-you-may-feel-tired-after-a-reiki-session-2f9c5e5e90c7"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Reiki Session