Tag: Reason

The Real Reason People in Our Lives Stop Reaching Out

Growing up, I often heard the expression “the phone works both ways” or “if they wanted to, they would”. It means that both people are responsible for maintaining a connection. It’s not on one person to keep a relationship going. The phone can make outgoing calls as eas...

The Real Reason People in Our Lives Stop Reaching Out

Growing up, I often heard the expression “the phone works both ways” or “if they wanted to, they would”. It means that both people are responsible for maintaining a connection. It’s not on one person to keep a relationship going. The phone can make outgoing calls as eas...

Another Reason to Hate Serial Killers

Human beings have a sick fascination with crime. The more grisly and horrible the crime, the more we are transfixed by it. Contrary to popular opinion, I’m a human being too, not an AI blog writing bot, so that makes me also guilty as charged for having contributed to this proliferation of the...

Germany Set To Miss Their Emissions Targets For A Ridiculous Reason

Over the years, I have covered the idiocracy of Germany’s nuclear phase-out multiple times. You see, when you look at the data, this decision makes zero sense. Despite what pop culture might tell you, nuclear power is incredibly safe, with a death rate per TWh 80% lower than solar! It’s ...

Vayera — The Contradictions of Faith and Reason

I’d like to start with two quotes from famous American authors. The first is from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” The second from Walt Whitman, “Do I contradict myself? / Very well then I contradict myself, / (I am large, I conta...

All the More Reason to Write

I stumbled upon this motivational quote in Ray Bradbury’s Zen in the Art of Writing, a collection of essays spanning thirty years of his writing career. He melded together the story of his life and the events that inspired him to write. Needless to say, he was one of the most acclaimed wr...

The Real Reason Medicine and Science Cannot Give You Exact Guidelines

I grew frustrated as I prepared for another colonoscopy. Some websites said you could have eggs and white toast for breakfast the day before the procedure. My doctor’s directions said only clear liquids the whole day. Other sources said no nuts or seeds should be consumed for three days bef...

Come Dreamer/Death of Reason

Come dreamer to the night Enveloped in the glomin’ Demons glaring, grinning Gnawing on the brainpan Shavings flaking off Read More

Euclid: Illuminating the Universe with Geometry and Reason

In the ancient city of Alexandria, where the scent of papyrus mingled with the salt-laden breeze from the Mediterranean, Euclid walked the hallowed halls of the Library, a sanctuary of wisdom and enlightenment. His presence was marked by a quiet intensity, a mind always aglow with the sparks of math...

The Real Reason Germany Lost World War II

There has been much debate about why Germany ultimately lost the Second World War. Much is made about their failed invasion of the Soviet Union, Germany’s disastrous defeat at Stalingrad, and their inability to knock Great Britain out of the war. While all of these reasons are powerful and con...