Tag: really

Reading fiction is a waste of time, really?

When people inquire about my interests, reading seems to be the most frequent answer that comes to my mind. I typically admit that I like reading. Well, I don’t consider myself a bibliophile, a person who has a great love and admiration for reading and collects a large number of books. Neve...

Are you really A Disciplined person?

Hello, readers, thank you coming here today we are going to talk about discipline, Success is built on discipline, which has long been respected and is frequently connected with military individuals who exhibit it. In this post, we’ll look at the fundamentals of discipline and consider some p...

Tell me what you really want

In 1987, I found myself perched on the edge of young personhood, a tender 13 years old. It was an era that promised to mold me, a time brimming with challenges and an unquenchable thirst to fathom my life’s purpose. Against the backdrop of this transformative year, the global stage unfurled a ...

We’re Waking Up A (Tiny) Bit To The 9-To-5 Lie And How Much People Really Work

If you’re doing quick math at home, that means a lot of well-compensated “knowledge” workers are probably working 20–24 hours/week and getting paid for 40, which makes already-affluent white, middle-class executives pout like teenage girls who got cut from Varsity Volleyball....

Here’s What It’s Really Like to Be a Manager

In many organizations, job roles can be divided into two distinct categories — Individual Contributors (ICs) and Managers. ICs are dedicated to executing their designed function (whether it be writing code, improving performance, building tools, etc.). Managers, on the other hand, are responsi...

Is Capcom Really Back?

Few developers can claim to be as instrumental as Capcom in how they’ve helped shape the game industry. Founded in 1983, the 40yr old company has continually reinvented itself, to great effect, in an effort to keep pace with the constantly shifting interests of players. The storied company ...

Here's How Money Really Can Buy You Happiness

A long time ago, in a faraway land, I was raised with enough money to buy most of my needs and none of my wants. When I immigrated to the United States, I was fascinated by the intricate relationship between money and happiness. I read many philosophers' notes, neuroscience discoveries, and p...