Is Capcom Really Back?

<p>Few developers can claim to be as instrumental as Capcom in how they&rsquo;ve helped shape the game industry. Founded in 1983, the 40yr old company has continually reinvented itself, to great effect, in an effort to keep pace with the constantly shifting interests of players.</p> <p>The storied company has been on a bit of a tear as of late, celebrating&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">its sixth consecutive year of profit growth</a>&nbsp;and multiple commercial milestones with each release. This success is owed to their timely revitalization of Resident Evil as well as a measured focus on key franchises like Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, and Devil May Cry. But for all their success and the deafening ravings of &ldquo;Capcom is back&rdquo; or &ldquo;CapGod&rdquo; echoed across the internet, I can&rsquo;t help but feel as if they&rsquo;ve lost a bit of their luster and that they aren&rsquo;t quite back&hellip;yet.</p> <p>Capcom&rsquo;s present performance is a complete inflection of the tumult that they experienced during the onset of the HD era some years passed. During that time, Capcom like many developers, had trouble transitioning to the then next gen consoles and this was evident in many of their releases. They enjoyed some hits but were plagued with a number of misfires.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Capcom really