Tag: Rapidly

You Kill Your Brain Cells Rapidly With These 4 Stupid Everyday Activities

Little habits have a big impact on your health. Your daily routine affects your brain health more than you realize. We live in the busiest time in history. There’s so much to get done that we barely have time to relax and recoup as we overwork our brains daily. Your stressful routine lea...

Scientists Discovered That the Mexico City Is Sinking Rapidly

The most populated city in North America, Mexico City, has been sinking rapidly in the past decades. However, recent research suggests that it has sunken too low to reverse the damage. The underground aquifers have been being drained quickly over the years and the lake bed below the c...

If Our Rapidly Changing Climate Doesn’t Collapse Civilization, Running Out of Oil Will- and Soon.

There was another big and unproductive climate summit last week, you might have seen all the articles. One of the big points most news outlets made was to point out that oil production had increased, instead of going down. I recently wrote my opinion about why our governments are doing thing...

Our Rapidly Disappearing Supreme Court

The case dealt with the sovereignty of the Cherokee Indians and their rights against federal government. The Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee nation. However, President Andrew Jackson ignored the ruling, famously saying “{Chief Justice} John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enfo...