Our Rapidly Disappearing Supreme Court

<p>The case dealt with the sovereignty of the Cherokee Indians and their rights against federal government. The Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee nation. However, President Andrew Jackson ignored the ruling, famously saying &ldquo;<strong><em>{Chief Justice} John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it&rdquo;</em></strong>.</p> <p>The point President Jackson was making was that the Supreme Court has no inherent enforcement powers, and he wasn&rsquo;t wrong. They have no army. They have no navy. They have no corp of ninjas, although I&rsquo;m told three of them are ninjas themselves&nbsp;<em>(I&rsquo;m looking at you Sonia!</em>). The Court simply issues opinions which it relies on the other branches of the federal government and the various branches of state governments to acknowledge, recognize, adhere to and enforce.</p> <p><a href="https://sendaylinleach.medium.com/our-rapidly-disappearing-supreme-court-99c0faebbe9f"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>