Tag: Psychic

How The Modern Psychic Preys on Emotion

Let me start off to say that I am thrilled by all the attention and interest shown in the metaphysical community. People are opening their minds to the possibilities of different solutions to their problems then was once considered. In the past, psychics and tarot readers were not looked at too fond...

What Is Psychic Attack & How To Eliminate Negative Energy

I’m a “real deal” Psychic Physical Empath, Medical Medium, Natural Born Energy Healer, An Incarnate of The Light, Messenger and Spiritual Guide and Liaison and Lightworker. I have a spiritual guidance & energy healing practice, The Healing Butterfly.org in the mountai...

Psychic Self-Defense: Techniques and Strategies

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the fascinating world of psychic self-defense, equipping you with valuable knowledge and strategies to safeguard your energy. Understanding the importance of protecting your energetic well-being is the first step in fortifying yourself against potential ...

The Narcissist As A Psychic Parasite

Reclaiming ownership of my soul from an ongoing relationship with a narcissist is one of the most challenging experiences I have encountered but it can be done. If you’ve experienced a significant relationship with a narcissist, you will know just how insidiously and relentlessly destructiv...

Psychic Vampires are ruining your life. Here is what you need to do now.

Take the example of a young woman named Samantha. Samantha is described by her friends as straight-up crazy and one hell of a toxic person. And for those of us that like technicalities, she is a classic psychic vampire. Here are the characteristics of Samantha, “the psychic vampire&rdq...

Unveiling Psychic Weakness: Insights and Impact

Delving into the realm of psychic weakness reveals a fascinating tapestry of origins, characteristics, and profound impact. The roots of psychic weakness can be traced back to various factors, such as genetic predispositions, environmental influences, and even spiritual or metaphysical elements. ...

Signs That You Might Have Underlying Psychic Powers

Psychics, seers, oracles, witches and the like claim that everyone has psychic powers. I believe this to my core, too. At the same time, I believe that some people have stronger affinities towards magic, psychic powers and mystical powers. The beauty of the world is that each individual has uniqu...

Maybe We Are More Psychic Than We Know

Dr. S correctly points out that most psychics are con men and charlatans looking to make a few bucks off of a left-behind loved one who desperately wants to know their beloved lost mother, Mary, or dog Max, is still “okay.” The mark, or victim, usually wants a message from Mary or Max...

Cigarettes, Psychic Melvin and the Unknown Neighbor

“They are telling me to tell you, ‘Remember the little things.’” I was sitting at a small table with a man named Melvin. He was probably in his early sixties, balding, looking very average other than his glistening and attentive blue eyes. His voice was soft and hesitant a...