The Narcissist As A Psychic Parasite

<p>Reclaiming ownership of my soul from an ongoing relationship with a narcissist is one of the most challenging experiences I have encountered but it can be done.</p> <p>If you&rsquo;ve experienced a significant relationship with a narcissist, you will know just how insidiously and relentlessly destructive it can prove for your soul. Yes, we&rsquo;re talking soul-level destruction here, resulting in the kind of visceral injuries that become scarred into your DNA.</p> <p>All advice is to get out of a narcissistic relationship as quickly and finally as possible but what if you can&rsquo;t? Perhaps they are your boss. Perhaps they parent your child or are one of your own parents. What to do if you cannot desist from engaging with the narcissist in your life? How the hell do you survive with any semblance of your soul, let alone heal from the ordeal?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>