Cigarettes, Psychic Melvin and the Unknown Neighbor

<p>&ldquo;They are telling me to tell you, &lsquo;Remember the little things.&rsquo;&rdquo;</p> <p>I was sitting at a small table with a man named Melvin. He was probably in his early sixties, balding, looking very average other than his glistening and attentive blue eyes. His voice was soft and hesitant as he delivered a message from the other side of the veil.</p> <p>I was at an outdoor festival in a park near the water where I live in Florida. When I saw the ad for the &ldquo;Second Annual St. Pete Fairy Festival,&rdquo; I thought it looked interesting and invited a friend to come along. There were vendors selling a variety of new age items such as crystals and hula hoops, and one section had about 20 intuitives giving readings for a small fee.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Psychic Melvin