What Is Psychic Attack & How To Eliminate Negative Energy

<p>I&rsquo;m a &ldquo;real deal&rdquo; Psychic Physical Empath, Medical Medium, Natural Born Energy Healer, An Incarnate of The Light, Messenger and Spiritual Guide and Liaison and Lightworker. I have a spiritual guidance &amp; energy healing practice,&nbsp;<a href="https://thehealingbutterfly.org/infiniti" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">The Healing Butterfly.org</a>&nbsp;in the mountains of Southern California.</p> <p>One of my Soul Missions is to deliver information to humanity and The Light Body Collective. I&rsquo;m not here to convince or debate anyone of anything I am guided to share.</p> <p>Most likely there will be a lot of resistance to a lot of the things in this article, on the macro and the micro level because most of this is information that isn&rsquo;t widely known or accepted, but it&rsquo;s time for this information to be understood by the larger population of humans and Lightworker&rsquo;s.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/what-is-psychic-attack-how-to-eliminate-negative-energy-90e8b54de29e"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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