Tag: Psychedelic

BlogWithIEEECS: The Frontier of Psychedelic Technology

In an ever-changing technological landscape that is a constant source of innovation, an interesting and unusual trend is emerging: Psychedelic Technology. This exciting fusion of psychedelic and technological worlds pushes boundaries and opens new doors for research, creativity and healing. Ima...

The Amsterdam Adventure: A Quest for Psychedelic Awakening

Part 1: Introduction 1.1. Personal Background and Previous Drug Experiences 1.2. Initial Fascination with Psilocybin Part 2: Motivation to Explore Psilocybin 2.1. Uncovering Common Misconceptions about Psilocybin 2.2. Overcoming Fears Related to the “Horror Trip” Phenomeno...

Ibogaine Unveiled: Chronicles of a Psychedelic Odyssey in Mexico

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a seeker. A seeker of truth, a seeker of healing, a seeker of answers. But I’ve been told that seekers don’t find, and perhaps that’s been my problem all along. You see, my endless inquiry was fueled by a desire for physical he...

Psychedelic Research is Making a Comeback

Despite never using psychedelics, I became deeply interested in the topic of therapeutic psychedelic research when I learned from close acquaintances and loved ones that psychedelics were able to help treat their own serious and debilitating issues like post-traumatic stress disorder, cancer death a...

Psychedelic Shift: From Vegan to Meat-Eater, My Body’s Needs

I believe diet is very individual. We have unique minds and unique bodies. Everybody is different. But here is what is true for me and my human system: After I re-learned to listen to my body and my body’s needs, I let myself experience fish and then meat again, and I have to admi...

8 Quick Tips to Get You Through a Bad Psychedelic Trip

Tears were strolling down my face. I buried my head in my pillow. That’s right, I was having my first bad psychedelic trip and I felt like I was going absolutely crazy. My head was spinning. Paranoid thoughts were swirling. “Am I dying? Is this how I go?” I asked mysel...

A big deal in the psychedelic medicine movement: MindMed and breakthrough designation

This revival picks up threads from promising research of the 1940s – 1960s that got caught up in the wash of the 1960s counterculture and the backlash of the 1970s anti-drug pushback. A lot of serious research has been taking place in the last few decades in prestigious research institutions l...

A Psychedelic Cactus Helped Heal My Inner Child. I Wish More People Knew About It.

I grabbed my boyfriend’s arm. We’d just gotten back from a day at the beach. To celebrate our moving-in together, we’d eaten some mushroom chocolates that also contained the psychedelic cactus San Pedro (natively Huachuma). Now I was standing in the bedroom, staring at myself ...

Educating Yourself About Psychedelic Medicine

Below is an email I sent to the participants of a lecture on psychedelic medicine I was invited to speak at. I know a lot of people have an interest in the subject so I thought I’d post one psychedelic therapist’s thought about the field. Please know the info expressed is all MY take ...

Does psychedelic ‘medicine’ always give you what you need?

When I was 18, I took LSD at a rave, and had a bad trip. I felt irrationally afraid and self-conscious for hours, and went to bed feeling I had permanently damaged my brain. Over the next few weeks, I felt paranoid, panicky and socially anxious. These symptoms faded but came back a few months later,...

Preach! On the ethics of psychedelic testimonials

In 2012, when I was researching a book on ecstatic experiences, I had one such experience in a church in Wales, and abruptly became a Christian. News of my conversion spread through the church I attended in London, and a few weeks later, I was asked if I’d like to talk on stage with the famous...

Bufo, the Psychedelic Toad That Taught Me the Secret of the Universe

I’m faced with an impossible task. Two weeks ago, I sat with the most powerful medicine I have yet encountered: Bufo Alvarius. The psychoactive compound, 5-meO-DMT, is 4–6 times stronger than DMT, which is already one of the strongest psychedelics known to mankind. Writing about my...

Psychedelic Elements Were Already Present in The 50s

In the incessant flow of modern life, with its countless stimuli and stresses, the human mind constantly yearns for an escape. An oasis of peace in which to take refuge, even for a fleeting moment, and let oneself be carried away from daily worries. It is here that music reveals its healing power, o...

Preparing for a psychedelic journey

When I was 19, I took mushrooms for the first time in a Carl’s Jr parking lot. I didn’t do it to explore ideas, exactly. I did it partly out of peer pressure, and partly out of a youthful sense of fuck it, let’s see what this does. At the time, I had heard that they made the brain ...

The Best Psychedelic Quotes in 6 Categories — Inspiring Words to Expand Your Mind

“Psychedelics show you what’s in and on your mind, those subconscious thoughts and feelings that are hidden, covered up, forgotten, out of sight, maybe even completely unexpected, but nevertheless imminently present.” – Rick Strassman “Psychedelics are not suppres...

Microdosing Magic: How Tiny Psychedelic Doses Are Changing Lives

Welcome to the world of microdosing, where less is definitely more. This isn’t about tripping; it’s about tweaking your daily experience to unlock creativity, boost mindfulness, and improve your overall vibe. Let’s dive into how tiny doses of psychedelics could be your ticket to a ...

The Psychedelic Science of Good Friday

OnFriday, April 20, 1962, Howard Thurman delivered a Good Friday sermon at Boston University’s Marsh Chapel. “He came to me with his eyes and asked for water,” Thurman began in a retelling of the Samaritan woman at the well, “stretched out his hand and spoke. His mi...

Sapphire’s Mystic Fire: Semitic Roots Meet Psychedelic Visions

Proto-Semitic Roots The word “sapir” (שָׁפִיר) in Biblical Hebrew is the progenitor of the term “sapphire”. Its Proto-Semitic root is špr, meaning “to be beautiful, to shine”. This root is found in various Semitic languages, such as Arabic (&...

Exploring Psychedelic Realms Safely: The Crucial Role of Professional Psychedelic Sitters

Introduction Embarking on a psychedelic journey can be a profound and transformative experience, but it also carries risks. While psychedelics have shown promise in therapeutic settings, the importance of proper guidance cannot be overstated. This is where professional psychedelic sitters come in...

Altering Consciousness Without Drugs: My Experience With Psychedelic Breathwork

There are many reasons why someone may want to alter their consciousness without drugs: legality, safety, more controllability, and fewer side effects. Humans have also long engaged in non-drug methods for altering consciousness, including meditation, fasting, chanting, drumming, and dancing. The...

Psychedelic Heretics, Supernatural Entities, and Secret Societies

However, Jodorowsky’s most famous endeavor was a failed 1965 production of Frank Herbert’s sci-fi novel Dune. In the iconic sci-fi novel remade as a blockbuster 2021 film, a hallucinogen called spice enables interstellar travel. When an authoritarian empire cracks down on the source of t...

The Ultimate Guide to Integrating Psychedelic Experiences

Psychedelic journeys are all about intentions, right? Yes, intentions will influence your experience going in, but integration is what will influence your life coming out of it. Whether you’ve planned for months or decided to partake in a journey on a whim — you did it, a...

A Phenomenological Report on the Novel Non-Hallucinogenic Psychedelic Tabernanthalog

The critics of this approach point out the correlation between certain phenomenological aspects of the psychedelic trip, such as mystical experiences, and positive therapeutic outcomes. Given that these kinds of experiences also correlate with general strength of the effects, and thus dose, it ...

A Psychedelic Love Story

I’m not a huge proponent of Valentine's Day, where fixed ideas about love are intrusively shoved in our faces. February has a habit of sneaking up on our moods just when we think we’ve emerged from the thick of winter. Add to the cold (and gray if you’re in the PNW like me) the...

How To Prepare for Your First Psychedelic Experience

When it comes to psychedelics, “set and setting” are the most commonly used buzzwords — for good reason. They illuminate a key question: How can we prepare and set up experiences in a way that maximizes benefits while minimizing risks? I’ve noticed over and over that ho...

A Psychedelic Experiment and Hiatus

I had never tried a psychedelic in my life. And I wasn’t doing it for the thrill. Copious scientific and anecdotal reports of their potential became too powerful to ignore. Where would I get them? Who would support me? What if something went wrong? It was during the pandemic — I had t...

From Nixon to Neuroscience: The War on Drugs and Psychedelic Renaissance

After President Richard Nixon declared a war on drugs in 1971, the number of people incarcerated in American jails and prisons escalated from 300,000 to 2.3 million. Half of those in federal prison are incarcerated for a drug offense, and two-thirds of those in prison for drug offenses are people of...

Using Psychedelic Neurochemistry to Critique Pop Psychology’s Neurotransmitter Obsession

The seamless integration of everything from psychiatric diagnoses to intricate chemical compounds that reside deep within the brain into our everyday conversations. As cool as this is, I think it’s possibly doing more harm than good. Pop psychology has spread its wings so wide that a zoo...


This is an expansion on an earlier article I wrote several years ago. I’ve since had a lot more experience in the medicine world and after a rough count, I estimate I’ve witnessed around 2000 individual processes in a wide variety of people from all walks of life, mostly with A...

How to Prepare for Your First Psychedelic Trip

Though psychedelics have always been a prevalent topic, they’ve gained quite a bit of traction in recent years. In fact, psilocybin, the psychedelic substance in magic mushrooms, was decriminalized and legalized in Oregon via a statewide ballot just this past November. And for good reason, too...

I Took Psychedelic Drugs On A Self-Help Retreat And This Is What I Learned

After sipping a sour-smelling tea, we lie down on mattresses, wrap ourselves in blankets and don eye masks. It’s like some kind of bizarre adult sleepover ― except it’s midday on a Friday afternoon, and from what I’ve been told the next six hours could unfold into one of the most...

Hang up the Phone: A Psychedelic Parable

Once, an adventurer and his crew got lost in a thick jungle. Armed with only a dull machete, he spent his days hacking through broad vines and thick vegetation. Nettles stung as they slapped against his bare shins. Barbs and thorns sliced his forearms as perspiration dripped down the small of his ba...

The Psychedelic Influence: Shaping Icons and Eras

The 1970s and 1980s were transformative decades, marked by radical shifts in culture, technology, and music. At the heart of this transformation were influential figures like John Lennon and The Beatles, Steve Jobs, and Freddie Mercury of Queen. Their explorations into the realms of psychedelics, sp...