A big deal in the psychedelic medicine movement: MindMed and breakthrough designation

<p>This revival picks up threads from promising research of the 1940s &ndash; 1960s that got caught up in the wash of the 1960s counterculture and the backlash of the 1970s anti-drug pushback. A lot of serious research has been taking place in the last few decades in prestigious research institutions like Johns Hopkins and Imperial College of London.</p> <p>Psychedelics have remarkable abilities to temporarily disrupt habitual patterns of thinking and allow more fluid modes of thought and shifts in perspective. In a comfortable therapeutic setting, this can allow for fresh and helpful insights into patterns of behavior and thinking, especially when supported by conversations with therapists to help unpack the (intense) experience.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@cyril_anderson/a-big-deal-in-the-psychedelic-medicine-movement-mindmed-and-breakthrough-designation-d5beecb00dd2"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>