Hang up the Phone: A Psychedelic Parable

<p>Once, an adventurer and his crew got lost in a thick jungle. Armed with only a dull machete, he spent his days hacking through broad vines and thick vegetation. Nettles stung as they slapped against his bare shins. Barbs and thorns sliced his forearms as perspiration dripped down the small of his back. The heat was sweltering. Horseflies the size of his fist peppered his face constantly. Food consisted of whatever meager rations the team could forage from the forest floor. Every now and again, a jaguar leapt from the branches hanging above the team and nearly gobbled them up.</p> <p>It was a miserable existence. What made things worse is that he and his team seemed no closer to escaping the rainforest than when they&rsquo;d begun. The expedition from hell had gone on for weeks, and all were losing hope.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/psyche-delicacies/hang-up-the-phone-a-psychedelic-parable-7174244a52cb"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>